The gray matter lining the clefts is characterized by polymicrogyria.
Meanwhile, the blood flow in the gray matter of spinal cord was determined by measuring the hydrogen clearance.
He observed that the axons in his samples ended in the gray matter, and that their endings were consistent with the location of dendrites.
Findings: There is an extradural, dural based, enhancing lesion in the left cerebellopontine Angle cistern that is isointense to the gray matter.
While we describe the brain as "gray matter" and "white matter", this is not a true description of its color.
(Roland Schwartz, a Gray Robinson shareholder who has appeared in the late stages of several foreclosure cases, including the Peace matter, did not return calls.)
Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of-or connections between-these processing centers.
Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter links the centers together.
Now comes a study finding that it’s possible to increase the brain’s gray matter quite quickly—in only a matter of days.
In the short walk from Herto to Daka, however, something tangible of our humanness had definitely been stripped away too—notably, several hundred cubic centimeters of gray matter.
Calorie restriction also appeared to slow the loss of gray matter in the brain.
The distinctive, deeply wrinkled outer surface is the cerebral cortex, which consists of gray matter.
Scientists found increases in gray-matter density in the hippocampus—an area responsible for learning and memory.
The brain's nerve cells are known as neurons, which make up the organ's so-called "gray matter.
This synaptic pruning, as it is called, causes the brain's cortex-the outer layer of gray matter where we do much of our conscious and complicated thinking-to become thinner but more efficient.
It's called gray matter but that's just because it's out of the head.
The outer layer of the cerebrum is called the cortex (also known as "gray matter").
Gray matter on the poles of the temporal lobes was significantly denser in the subjects who had scored high on reward dependence than in the subjects who had not.
The significance of the relatively smaller gray matter volume and density seen in these players is not yet clear, the researchers say.
Studies in animals and people have shown that physical activity generally increases brain volume and can reduce the number and size of age-related holes in the brain's white and gray matter.
Objective to study the clinical findings and classifications of Heterotopic Gray Matter (HGM).
Gray is associated with intellect and the brain is composed of "gray matter".
What they saw is that the spacefarers' gray matter appeared compressed... particularly around the front and sides of the brain and the area around the eyes.
That may be why people with less gray matter volume in these areas are more sensitive to pain, and vice versa, the researchers said.
That may be why people with less gray matter volume in these areas are more sensitive to pain, and vice versa, the researchers said.