The Great Rift Valley, from Eritrea to Mozambique, could produce 7, 000MW.
Perhaps, through this sea of sand, our ancestors trekked from the Great Rift Valley and into our lives.
After breakfast, drive to Masai Mara via the Great Rift Valley to arrive at Maasai Mara in time for evening game drive.
Everything east of the Great Rift Valley--a 6000-kilometer gash that runs from Syria to Mozambique--is imperceptibly moving into the Indian Ocean.
From the geothermal resources of the Great Rift Valley, to the potential hydropower of the Congo River, to wind and solar options, new projects are beginning to come online.
On the remote western edge of Uganda the land suddenly drops down into the western arm of the Great Rift Valley to reveal the vast expanse of Lake Albert and the blue mountains of Congo beyond.
在乌干达遥远的西部边区,突然之间大地陷入了东非大裂谷(Great Rift)西翼的怀抱,绵延广阔的阿尔伯特湖(LakeAlbert)就藏在山谷之中,它的外面就是刚果的蓝山山脉。
He and colleagues looked at more than 200 shod and unshod runners in the United States and the Rift Valley Province of Kenya, which is known for its great endurance runners.
It's the only breeding area for the endangered lesser flamingos that live in Africa's Great Rift valley.
这里是生活在非洲的东非大裂谷(Great Rift valley)的濒危动物小火烈鸟(lesser flamingo)唯一的繁殖地。
It's the only breeding area for the endangered lesser flamingos that live in Africa's Great Rift valley.
这里是生活在非洲的东非大裂谷(Great Rift valley)的濒危动物小火烈鸟(lesser flamingo)唯一的繁殖地。