With his half brother steadying him, he began to tread the sandy footpaths of his youth, this time wearing a pair of $135 Air Jordans.
A White House spokesman declined to comment on the interview or discuss Obama's relationship with his half-brother.
His parents divorced, his mother remarried, there was a bustup with her new husband, which led to her, Julian and his half-brother going on the run.
In the night, my brother cried for half an hour because he wanted to eat eggs, but our only cooked food was rice and corned beef.
But if someone shows up and tells you he is your half-brother and that you are obligated to bail him out… well, the bonds are not solid enough for Germans to bail out Greeks.
A day and a half later the routine, captured by hidden cameras, showed up during a break in the reality television show "Celebrity Big Brother."
The rest had been selflessly distributed to his wife, six children, half-brother and grandsons in the form of licences and monopolies, usually handed out for nothing.
The finished product is a convoluted plot involving a boy (Fred Savage) who kidnaps his disabled half-brother and travels cross-country with him, Rainman-style.
这部作品情节很绕,大概是说一个男孩子绑架了他同父异母(同母异父)的弟弟,和他周游世界,有点《雨人》的味道。 结果他发现这个弟弟在玩任天堂游戏上有着过人的天赋。
Amid the swirl of rumour, news of real shifts occasionally wafts out, as it did on March 27th, when King Abdullah appointed his half-brother, Prince Nayef, as his second deputy prime minister.
He had tried to persuade his brother to join him and Botros, half-tempted, gave emigration a go. But it didn't work out and he returned disillusioned to the mountains.
The author of the life records the names of but two of his children, John and his half-brother Cosmas.
While in the mountains, Hagrid discovered he had a half brother living there, and decided to bring him home to Hogwarts.
Half smile, half the tears, you just saw elder brother of cross section.
When the twins were a year-and-a-half old, they were joined by a younger brother, Anakin Solo, also strong in the Force.
The 10-year-old gets up half an hour earlier on school days to play computer games, and he and his brother stay plugged into their hand-held devices on the ride to and from school.
Tissues Out: The famous ending, in which Billy's half-brother kills his only friend, will have even the hardiest blubbing.
The big brother is 4 years old, the little brother is half his age, how old would the little brother be when the big brother is 100 ?
My half - brother, the Earl of Moray, tried to stop the marriage.
My brother and I were sent to Sunday school about half the time, and seldom to church.
Young Ben Franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentice to his half brother James.
Young ben franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentice to his half brother lames.
And half monster brother is different, is really a monster, and the demon force strong, pay attention to descent.
And half monster brother is different, is really a monster, and the demon force strong, pay attention to descent.