This is much bigger than the hobbyist web or the professional web.
It continues to be developed for research and in the hobbyist community.
A range of export and import formats to suit every environment from the hobbyist to the CG professional.
It is perfect for the hobbyist or moderately technically savvy computer user who wants to customize their PDA.
Similarly, the numerous business concerns catering to the hobbyist have a tremendous but unknown dollar value.
Serving on a such committee would expose the hobbyist to the regulations and protocols that research institutions use to protect workers and the environment.
The Alvis' wheel-clamp was soon copied by a certain stripe of computer hobbyist.
It's the right way to do things: we firmly believe that we offer the best foundation for product development, all the way from hobbyist code to enterprise solutions work.
A neighbor down the street introduced him to the wonders of electronic, giving him Heathkits (hobbyist electronics kits), which taught him about the inner workings of products.
She said that outside the BBC, radio would not be commercially viable and was therefore likely to end up solely in the form of "hobbyist" models such as podcasts.
The cost, however, is high for low-traffic websites or hobbyist developers.
The pioneering computer-hobbyist group, The Homebrew Computer Club, holds its first meeting in a Silicon Valley garage.
The PHP community is a great mixture of "classically trained" Computer Science majors together with hobbyist self trained programmers.
Forget the cliche of a lone hobbyist tinkering away in the garage; modern makers are more likely to work with each other, taking advantage of the sharing and publishing tools offered by the Internet.
Some hobbyist linguists have even parsed the multiple spellings into computer code and a handy chart.
And at a time when hobbyist computers were boxy wooden affairs with metal chassis, he designed the Apple II as a sleek, low-slung plastic package intended for the den or the kitchen.
In June, Microsoft expects to release a software development kit that makes it easier for any academic or hobbyist to build Windows applications using the Kinect's camera and microphones.
The mashup Web application genre is still in its infancy, with hobbyist developers who produce many mashups in their spare time.
These are images whose purpose is, in the words of another serious hobbyist, Edwin K. Lee, "to capture the combined essence of science and art."
正如显微摄影爱好者EdwinK .Lee所说的,这些作品的目的是抓住科学与艺术完美结合的瞬间。
Carlson's projects are more advanced than those of the average DIYbio hobbyist, and he has found that the garage-hacker ethos eventually suffered.
While this is a steep cost for a standard hobbyist, the Hanebrink Electric Bike remains an option for urban commuters, off-road enthusiasts and field researchers alike.
In this very in-depth course you will start from novice and or hobbyist and end with the mentality and skills of a professional.
The difference between a hobbyist and a professional is that the professional lives off of that money.
Hopefully, this article will help the beginner as well as the more advanced hobbyist properly and successfully care for them.
My apologies for the use of a translator. I'm a UK hobbyist, I got 12 of these. What do you think they are?
Hojo SAN is in fact photo hobbyist. It takes a number impressing of photographs at the time of its voyages.
The people concerning about art might be an artist, an art observer, an art researcher, a learner, a hobbyist or an art dealer etc. Art museum serves for the public;
The people concerning about art might be an artist, an art observer, an art researcher, a learner, a hobbyist or an art dealer etc. Art museum serves for the public;