The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men.
The ice is too thin to bear your weight.
In ''On Thin Ice'', Richard Ellis, a writer and illustrator, paints a natural history of the icon of the north, the polar bear.
When the bear puts his tail into the water through a hole in the ice, to try and catch a fish, the ice freezes around it, and he ends up pulling his tail off.
The thin ice cannot bear truckloads.
You cannot walk on that. The ice will not bear.
More tantalising bear prints were spotted, crimping the edge of pack ice, making their big-footed way across a small floe.
You cannot walk on that, the ice will not bear.
But from the bear above to the microscopic wonders within, all are doomed once the summer ice goes, which is expected to happen at some point between 2013 and 2050.
This bear appeared to be in healthy condition, however the species is threatened with extinction because climate change is causing its sea ice habitat to melt away rapidly.
Bear turned around to look at the fish he had caught and instead saw his long lovely tail caught in the ice.
Yet, while not wanting to begrudge the polar bear his ice, we should be at least somewhat concerned at this recent shift in thinking.
We may even catch sight of a polar bear on the ice.
If the measurements from CryoSat-2 bear out this thinning theory, it would mean the ice is being lost more quickly.
如果来自克里赛特- 2的测量数值证实了薄化理论是正确的,就表明冰层融解正在加快。
The polar bear on the melting ice flow has become an iconic picture of the decade, business has painted itself green, we've changed our lightbulbs and wind power has taken off.
More than a thousand of the world’s largest land carnivores migrate through the “polar bear capital of the world” during October and November, when the first ice forms on the edge of Hudson Bay.
You cannot walk on that, the ice will not bear you.
Withoutthe sea ice habitat, the polar bear will not survive in the long term.
Because the observed trajectory of Arctic sea ice decline appears to be underestimated by currently available models, this assessment of future polar bear status may be conservative.
A stranded female polar bear and mother of two cubs waits for the sea ice to return to be able to hunt.
In 1995 Per's first officer, out on the ice one day, was killed by a polar bear.
One theory was the "glacial bear" hypothesis that Kermodism represented a remnant adaptation from the last great ice age, which ended here 11, 000 years ago.
一种理论是“冰川熊”假说。 卡莫德现象反映了从11000年前结束的这个地区冰河时期残留下来的适应性改变。
A female polar bear and her two-year-old cub wait for the sea ice to return.
Willy the polar bear rolls around in five thousand pounds of ice cubes that were delivered to his enclosure at the North Carolina zoo.
He went to slide upon the ice Before the ice would bear; Then he plunged in above his knees, Which made poor Simon stare.
Thank, in fact, more like pure winter morning by the bay Windows of the thin ice to bear away, as the transparent.
Thank, in fact, more like pure winter morning by the bay Windows of the thin ice to bear away, as the transparent.