To implement ODS is the important measure to carry out"Montreal Protocol".
Reducing the height of roadbed is the important measure to reduce the land using in construction.
Process's design, optimization and management become the important measure in business competition.
Environment information system is one of the important measure to improve environmental manage level.
Recent years, the important measure to increase the crude oil recovery ratio is using displacing fluid.
Results and Conclusions the materials management is the important measure to ensure the quality of drugs.
Conclusion to standardize antibacterial is the important measure to raise medical quality and reduce cost.
Conclusion Regular operation and adaptable tooth extraction are the important measure to prevent hemorrhage.
To improve the effect of endoscope disinfection is the important measure for the control of nosocomial infection.
The important measure of success is the internal quantum efficiency, which shows just how good an LED is at making light.
Vehicle delay at signalized intersections is the important measure to analyze the running efficiency and service level.
The reliability analysis of building structure is the important measure to assure building user's life and property security.
The old building's renovation is one part of the street sight renovating items, and is the important measure of the city renovation too.
While the method on preparing soft magnetic ultrafine powders is the important measure to ameliorate and improve the quality of ferrite.
As the important measure distributing the social resource and social welfare, the pricing is one of the core theatrical problems in the economic field.
In universities, the psychological health education is not only a major part of the moral education, but also the important measure and methodology of it.
Teaching quality management is the central content in higher educational management, and it is the important measure to keep and improve the teaching quality.
Skills, psychological, stage practice is the indispensable quality guzheng performers, this also is the important measure of guzheng performers level standard.
In the late production period of gas well, complex drainage gas recovery technology is the important measure for raising the recovery efficiency of gas reservoir.
CONCLUSIONS to strengthen the oxygen filter system sterilization management is the important measure to avoid the nosocomial infection caused by the oxygen filter.
It's also the result of America's understanding to the current situation of the world, the important measure for the US to carry out its East Asian security strategy.
It is the important measure which vigorously promote and apply pipeline all-position automatic welding technology to realize the highly efficiency of pipeline welding.
The insurance of the normal operation of vacuum degassing system and sealing performance of the desalted water drum was the important measure to control the corrosion.
Beside bringing in new variety and improving quality, regulating the fruit maturation is one of the important measure to considered for increasing the benefit of farm.
How to control the increase of the discharging amount of automobile end gas is the important measure to reduce automobile end gas pollution and improve living environment.
Airplane maintenance is not only the important measure to keep and recover structural integrity and high reliability, but also approach to prevent and delay structural corrosion.
The powder exhaust fan is the major electricity consuming equipment; the reform of energy saving is the important measure of decreasing energy consumption and improved efficiency.
The American due process system is the important measure of interfering the government power and action by judicial power of court, it's purpose is to guarantee the individual rights.
During preventing and controlling AIDS, teenagers were optimal target population all over the world. School health education was the important measure and strategy for preventing AIDS.
The socialization of logistics will become hotel's important selective direction, and increasingly become the important measure of saving hotel's management cost and realizing the green management.