The Free Independent Traveler, or, FIT program, is going to be set in motion at the end of this month.
For those who write code, coupling refers to the principle that individual modules in a program should be as independent as possible.
As a top-rated program in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, "Comedy Club" introduces world famous tourist destinations to Russian people every year.
The equipment independent of software is realized in the system in which the system hardware is managed through the configuration file and program.
Inverse Approach has been selected to calculate the blank shape and independent finite element program has been developed.
According to the invention, the or each machine-independent program in the form of at least one hierarchical tree is loaded into the corresponding components of the automation system.
SVM-based text independent speaker recognition algorithm, the paper used in the final implementation of a Matlab program based on support vector machine speaker recognition system test platform.
SVM-based text independent speaker recognition algorithm, the paper used in the final implementation of a Matlab program based on support vector machine speaker recognition system test platform.