The informative function is the premise, while the vocative function serves as the ultimate goal.
In view of function, we think business English mainly has two functions, the informative function and the interpersonal function.
The core of the informative function of language is external situation , the facts of a topic, reality outside language, including reported ideas or theories.
信息型文本强调语言的信息功能。语言信息功能的核心是外在的语境,话题的事实, 语言之外的因素等。
The luaL_checknumber() function can also be used to check arguments, printing an informative error message and aborting execution of the function.
The ultimate end of advertisement is to realize the vocative function, which depends on the combined realization of informative and expressive functions.
This paper says about the functions of the translation of tourism literature, such as informative function, vocative function, pragmatic equivalent effect function.
Informative function is also called ideational function in the framework of functional grammar.
Accent change and pragmatically informative answers that are transmitted will also influence the function of interrogative pronoun.
The Chinese heritage interpretation is formal and refined, stressing expressive function besides the dominant informative function.
On one hand, it can accurately express the feature of the product, achieving its informative function.
The guide machine has powerful function, informative, easy to use and management the database, so it will meet market demand and have good commercial value.
According to Buhler's classification of the language function, the English translator, translation theorist Newmark has divided texts into three types, namely expressive, informative and vocative.
With the fast development of Electronic Business in the informative period, the important function and significance of Electronic Business have been coming out gradually.
This thesis endeavors to elaborate on the following three aspects: 1 the main function of business articles is informative function.
This thesis endeavors to elaborate on the following three aspects: 1 the main function of business articles is informative function.