These are not mainly aimed at savage chieftains who seal treaties with the proverbial X or a grunt, but at the infuriating inefficiencies of ink in the internet era.
It is infuriating to talk to someone who just looks out of the window.
The ball belongs to them. "Watching them on TV is lovely," Henry says, "but playing against them is infuriating: you never get possession.
If we ask people how old they are, there is often the same infuriating vagueness - "more than 20".
With them “watching,” it will be difficult to stoop to the level of your infuriating co-worker.
He now says he will go along with the 2006 agreement to move the base to a northern part of the island, infuriating residents who want it off Okinawa entirely.
China and India, infuriating though they may be, are as powerful as America and the EU.
Anyone who's ever slept in the same room as a loud snorer knows how infuriating it is to have to suffer through all that noise while the offending party remains blissfully oblivious - and asleep.
Take it from someone who has backpacked the length and breadth of Africa: it's big, slow, exciting and infuriating in equal measure.
The Proálcool programme ended with a hangover around 1990 as oil prices fell and cane growers switched back from ethanol to sugar, infuriating drivers of ethanol-only cars.
Not surprisingly, many Americans find the EU infuriating.
Not only is the drive itself infuriating, a long commute eats up time that could be spent on proven happiness boosters, like sleeping or interacting with other people.
The great Bucharest fudge succeeded only in infuriating the Russians without providing the deterrence value of concrete steps for Georgia and Ukraine.
THE scene is familiar, infuriating, and usually met with resignation.
A lengthy to-do list or a messy house feels overwhelming to the A.D.H.D. brain, causing the person to retreat to a computer or a video game - further infuriating their spouse.
This is hard to do without rewarding shareholders and bank executives, overpaying for bad assets, and infuriating the public, but Geithner believes that he has found a way around these challenges.
With the iOS running on Apple's televisions, the company could sell a lot of TVs simply by comparing its interface with the clunky, often infuriating interfaces offered by moribund cable providers.
A "quick round" on a weekend often occupies at least half of that day's daylight hours - a reality that can be especially infuriating if, say, a family is on vacation at the time.
That had always been an infuriating ability of the Syndicate's.
Shockley, a very competitive and sometimes infuriating man, was determined to make his imprint on the discovery.
And can you think of anything more infuriating than to be given the same treatment?
I was all infuriating, and said that even if you give me a wash, I am not the cheapest you.
The Vito vehicles are not London taxis. They are vans with yellow lighted "taxi" signs jammed on their roofs. They are infuriating proof that London has lost its way.
This insecurity is infuriating and the antithesis of considerate human behavior.
But it's probably for the better as it would most likely be infuriating because I don't see any good rationalization or story coming out of this.
But it's probably for the better as it would most likely be infuriating because I don't see any good rationalization or story coming out of this.