And the thrilling fever of the insomniac.
The insomniac is habitually afflicted with wakefulness at times when he wishes to sleep.
The utility model can help the insomniac relieve the affliction, and can help the healthy people rest up.
Effective nursing-intervention and individual general-nursing to the insomniac, enhance the patient's consciousness to the health sleeping, accordingly, to enhance the quality of sleeping.
The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry, like Electronic Arts Productions, Insomniac Games, Activision and Disney.
If both of you are insomniac, sitting by yourselves in a lounge, that is the hour when secret concerns and hopes are Shared, out of the staff's earshot.
An insomniac, Malhotra says he finds the night more attractive than the day.
The word insomniac was the first that came to mind when I was trying to come up with a suitable title for the album.
It's the only autobiographical passage in the book, says Auster - unlike Brill he's not an insomniac, but like everyone has had sleepless nights.
You lit a candle and put it on my chest. The red candle wax kept dripping down. That night, I lay insomniac in the sounds of the rain.
The melancholy, violin-playing, cocaine-injecting insomniac was betrayed by his off-duty clothes, specifically his collection of dressing gowns, which ranged from "mouse-colored" to a dandyish purple.
An insomniac who has the face of "Chucky," he's also funny and self-deprecating, telling such stories as George Seifert balling him out for sharpening the famed 49ers coach's playwriting pencils.
An insomniac who has the face of "Chucky," he's also funny and self-deprecating, telling such stories as George Seifert balling him out for sharpening the famed 49ers coach's playwriting pencils.