In nature, as in realestate, location is everything, and the intertidal zone is Park Avenue.
The intertidal zone and the developable land can be backfilled for the project construction.
Embankment shell variety, mostly for the intertidal zone or shallow seabed sediment mollusc species present health.
As a microcosm of the ocean—the nursery of all life including ourown—the intertidal zone serves as another galaxy in the universe, one easilywithin our grasp.
The isolation methods for the actinoplanetes are compared and the ecological distribution of the actinoplanetes in the intertidal zone of Xiamen sea area is studied.
According to geologic characteristics, the vacuum preloading with prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) method was adopted to treat the soft soil in the intertidal zone.
At the edge of another rocky island not far from the haul-out, fat purple sea stars - a constellation of them - sprawled along the intertidal zone, gorging themselves on tiny mussels.
In the area from the intertidal zone to the coastal plain and from the surface to underground there appeared a group of sand bars and lagoons which had been formed in different epochs.
Due to the location and geographical features of the Isle of Sheppey, many area near the coastline are in the intertidal zone - shown in Figure 26 - and many others at a high risk of flooding.
Intertidal zone is the transition zone of sea and land, and of great significance in economics and environment.
The heron is only distributed in eastern coast of Xiamen which had less human activity and pollution, and its intertidal zone was rocky and sandy.
The coastal zone of Dalian Dengsha River mouth is an intertidal high bed. It's a special zone affected by sea and land with distinctive ecological environment and some kinds of worthy resources.
It is higher availability in supra tidal zone than in intertidal zone, and the potential of land resource is high.
Meanwhile, ATP content of the phytal meiofauna from the rocky intertidal zone in Qingdao was studied.
Community structure of mussels in the rocky intertidal zone of the Beiji islands in south Zhejiang was studied.
Community structure of Chitons in the Rocky Intertidal Zone of Islands in South Zhejiang were studied.
Based on the above-mentioned method, the Dongsha Island intertidal zone and wetland scopes are demarcated, their areas are measured, and the measured results are also analyzed.
The owl limpet (Lottia gigantean) which clings to rocks in the ocean intertidal zone has a "right-handed" body organization.
The field measuring method and a field measuring method can accurately obtain the deposition action of bivalve living creatures in shallow water area intertidal zone in a sea area field.
The field measuring method and a field measuring method can accurately obtain the deposition action of bivalve living creatures in shallow water area intertidal zone in a sea area field.