The Ironman Triathlon consists of nearly 4 kilometers of swimming, 180 kilometers of biking and 42 kilometers of swimming.
In June each year, the scenic area will be held the ironman triathlon, hero of all stripes will meet in the race for swimming, road cycling, such as highway running game.
It has been eight weeks since I finished my second Ironman Australia triathlon in 11 hours and 58 minutes, which was 15 minutes faster than the year earlier.
Before the accident I had three goals: to go to college, swim on the team, and compete in an ironman triathlon one day.
在车祸之前,我有三个目标:1 .上大学;2 .继续呆在游泳队里;3 .某一天去参加铁人三项比赛。
Before the accident I had three goals: to go to college, swim on the team, and compete in an ironman triathlon one day.
在车祸之前,我有三个目标:1 .上大学;2 .继续呆在游泳队里;3 .某一天去参加铁人三项比赛。