But the Darwin's bark spider and its record-breaking webs were unknown to science until they were documented by the team, whose findings appear this week in the Journal of Arachnology and PLoS ONE.
但是,在Agnarsson团队发现这些蜘蛛以前科学家对达尔文吠蛛及其破纪录的蛛网一无所知,他们的这一发现将会刊登在这周的《节肢动物学期刊》和《PLoS ONE》杂志上。
But the Darwin's bark spider and its record-breaking webs were unknown to science until they were documented by the team, whose findings appear this week in the Journal of Arachnology and PLoS ONE.
但是,在Agnarsson团队发现这些蜘蛛以前科学家对达尔文吠蛛及其破纪录的蛛网一无所知,他们的这一发现将会刊登在这周的《节肢动物学期刊》和《PLoS ONE》杂志上。