The war and the killing assume a different form: they have been shifted from the daylight of observable public events, to the twilight of unobservable inner destruction.
Experts fear the virus could mutate into a form that is easily transmissible between humans and spark an influenza pandemic, killing millions of people.
Ultraviolet radiation may also damage marine life by killing one- celled plants called phytoplankton, which form the base of the ocean's food chain.
The practice of mercy killing is feasible as there are many differences in form between euthanasia and murder case.
This thesis mainly introduces the developing course of the vacuum killing arc room possessing the cup form horizontal magnetic field in detail.
The toxicity, form, and field efficacy tests have shown that the title product's killing ability for weeds and its security for rice are similar to those produced abroad.
But all evolution change of phenomenon catching and killing completely, old leftovers of stage, often in order to form the essential factor at new stage.
But health officials worry that as the virus spreads in birds, it increases the chance it could mutate into a form that passes easily among humans, killing millions.
But health officials worry that as the virus spreads in birds, it increases the chance it could mutate into a form that passes easily among humans, killing millions.