First we have Lady Gaga, who wore this tuxedo-ish number, with what look like portions of an Elizabethan neck ruff protruding from the jacket, out in London yesterday.
In anticipation of Lady Gaga's UK tour this month a group of 20 fashion students from the University of Cumbria have been working with local butchers to recreate the show stopping number.
本月,万众期待的Lady Gaga的英国巡回演唱会即将到来,而来自坎布里亚大学的20名时尚大学生一直忙着与当地的肉贩联合打造一件万众瞩目的衣服。
In anticipation of Lady Gaga's UK tour this month a group of 20 fashion students from the University of Cumbria have been working with local butchers to recreate the show stopping number.
本月,万众期待的Lady Gaga的英国巡回演唱会即将到来,而来自坎布里亚大学的20名时尚大学生一直忙着与当地的肉贩联合打造一件万众瞩目的衣服。