Experiments have shown that the lag between things happening and us experiencing them is about 80 milliseconds.
The lag between the incremental checkpoint target and the log tail is also limited by 90% of the smallest online log file size.
What we understand from this example is that, the lag between the effects of the movement in either oil prices or rig count on each other is no longer as what it used to be.
The reason for this is the lag between the change in rates and the time it takes to pass the higher costs on to customers. It's not unique to that first quarter, it's a traditional trend.
There is a long time lag between when I do the work and when I get paid.
Only during the short lag between onset of global temperature change and sea level response can warm-adapted species migrate from the equator toward higher latitudes.
Often there is an unacceptable lag between a business change being identified and the required IT change being identified, assessed, and implemented.
Agile development methodologies are lightweight processes that seek to minimize the time lag between identifying requirements and the delivery of working code.
The brief time lag between the two braking systems results in cars stopping a little later than the drivers expected.
This lag between writing and reading of the data is due to the fact that the reading application isn't aware of when the data is written by the writing application.
We call this one 'response latency' and it means that, because it takes a lot of brainpower to concoct a lie, there may be a time lag between you asking a question and the other person answering.
Because there is a lag of several years between when people start using tobacco and when their health suffers, the epidemic of tobacco-related disease and death has just begun.
The second is the increasing lag between sentencing and execution.
So if there was a short lag between regions in the brain they could catch it.
In this scenario, due to the lag time required to assimilate new resources, the relationship between required resources and estimated delivery timeframe may even turn negative.
Zero lag seems to occur when the delays in the mutual coupling and self feedback between two systems act to keep them in step.
And in the early stages of an upturn there is often a lag between vacancies rising and unemployment falling.
Social jet lag is described as the difference between biological time and external requirements.
The Translator will translate blog entries into any of the offered languages on demand, with no lag time between the availability of the English version and the availability of translated versions.
The server load can be alleviated by increasing the polling interval, but this has the undesirable consequence of introducing a lag between a server event and the client's awareness of it.
This limits the number of moving parts which need to be adjusted every time a photo is taken, and which cause a lag between pressing the shutter-release button and capturing the image.
Just make sure the lag time between the master host failing and the slave host taking over is minimal.
Compared with the first such report by Eurochambres published two years ago, it shows the time lag widened between 2003 and 2006.
These differences are exacerbated by the long time lag between when applications are filed and patents are granted.
In virtually every transaction, there is a lag time between the finalization of the deal and the completed cash collection.
About one third of people with diabetes do not know they have it, and the average lag between onset and diagnosis is 7 yr.
That is why a delay, called Lag Compensation Time (LCT), is introduced between the real action and the display on the other side of the transmission pipeline.
So, why not take a break between meetings and soak up some rays to combat the tiredness and jet lag?
So, why not take a break between meetings and soak up some rays to combat the tiredness and jet lag?