The laid-off workers mainly exist on bread and tea.
Why don't you give the money to the laid-off workers?
More, there are many joint ventures played only admits the banner of the laid-off workers.
The laid-off workers can apply for new jobs inside Murdoch's massive worldwide media operation.
The laid-off workers are provided with necessities of life for a period of time by the companies they have worked with.
More than 96 percent of the laid-off workers who entered re-employment centers have received their basic living allowance.
It did not matter whether the laid-off workers had found new employment; they still had a 1 in 10 chance of developing a new health condition, Dr. Strully found.
The urban migrant workers and the laid-off workers are both the social disadvantaged groups, but their culture background are different, so it has comparison between the two groups.
农民工和下岗职工都是城市社会的弱势群体,但是他们的文化背景不同,他们的 消费 行为应当具有可比性。
This article discussed the present conditions of the laid-off workers in our nation byinvestigating the re-employment and vocational guidance of laid-off workers in XichengDistrict, Beijing in 2004.
The company has laid off 150 workers in an effort to save money.
100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.
The lengthy process is partly because older workers are more likely to have been laid off from industries that are downsizing, like manufacturing.
In a survey by the center of older workers who were laid off during the recession, just one in six had found another job, and half of that group had accepted pay cuts.
The Ethan Allen furniture factory, just across the state line in Vermont, has laid off more than 100 workers since February.
As if to address today's inevitable question of "jobs," Prof. Prescott said that the laid off workers went to the Twin Cities and quickly found higher-paying employment.
As if to address today's inevitable question of "jobs," Prof.Prescott said that the laid off workers went to the Twin Cities and quickly found higher-paying employment.
They are likely to return to familiar rates of growth per worker, though not all laid-off workers will benefit from the upturn.
The factory has laid off 40 of its 100 workers.
Laid-off factory workers tend to return to the countryside and rely on their extended families.
The Bureau of Labour Statistics estimates that workers recently laid off have a 30% chance of finding work in a given month.
That's largely because of a system called "flexicurity" that gives employers the freedom to hire and fire, while the state supports laid-off workers with generous benefits and retraining.
The factory's owner killed himself after the recall, and the company laid off hundreds of workers. Their concrete dormitory on the factory grounds now stands empty.
The factory's owner killed himself after the recall, and the company laid off hundreds of workers. Their concrete dormitory on the factory grounds now stands empty.