In addition, the language system strictly restricts its own structures.
The interlanguage is the language system between the native and object language.
Vocabulary is the part which changes fastest and is the most sensitive in the language system.
To process imagery with words as stimuli, the language system and the imagery system function together.
The contextual meaning is an inevitable consequence decided by the features and purposes of the language system itself.
My opinion was said that each language or the language system, stemmed from the whole body posture a source language branch.
The language faculty includes the inherited speech organs and the language system built up in the process of language acquisition.
The ostensible opposition between translatability and intranslatahihy overshadows the focus on different aspects of the language system.
This thesis discusses briefly some questions concerning etymon, such as etymon's position in the language system and etymon of alien words.
The cognitive study of language attempts at the language system and its operation and offers an explanation for the three basic human characteristics.
I believe that profound modest words and honorifics are the essence of the language system of East Asia which is composed mainly of the Chinese language.
Based on the practice of compilation of natural disaster map with computer multimedia technique, the language system for natural disaster multimedia map are proposed.
"The new information here is that visual reports of, say, facial information are an intimate part of the language system as it is being used in an intimate situation, " Hirsch said.
Like exactness, fuzziness is one of the intrinsic features that natural languages have, and it pervasively exists in the inner of the language system and on all levels of language use.
We know from DE Saussure that such a concept has no place in a system like the language system, which provides meaning only through the values that the differences between signifiers allow.
The transformation of sound is not an isolated language phenomenon, which would be restricted by the relation of sound and meaning, the language system and the consonant or an internal syllable.
Once language starts to develop from about age 2, they do have a system for symbolic representation and can talk about things which aren't in their immediate environment including the past.
There're several features peculiar to human language that have, for the most part, never been found in the communication system of any other species.
A survey by American Councils for International Education showed that there were 227,086 Chinese learners across the formal US education system, making Chinese the third most popular language being studied.
The system teaches more than basic language skills.
The exception system your favorite language gives you is not fit for end users to see.
Once you free the code, it raises the importance of freeing the language... then freeing the operating system and the protocol designs.
It provides a common language to express the system.
Don't limit the system to specify language types and environments.
Just as it happens at the design level, getting a Ubiquitous Language for the architecture of a system requires some work.
When you're writing desktop software, there's a strong bias toward writing applications in the same language as the operating system.
The database system based on the standard query language — SQL, makes user can easily manage and operate on the database.Users can manage the corporation better because of the database technology.
The lesson fees are much lower than the current market price for other one-to-one language learning services and the system is much more effective than language CDs.
最人性化收费机制,按照学习时间即时计费。 课程费用远远低于目前市场上的一对一语言服务收费,而且更加有效。
By default, the processor was supposed to select the language based on the system environment.
By default, the processor was supposed to select the language based on the system environment.