Ideally, you want to defer design decisions to the last responsible moment.
What is the last responsible moment you can make a decision about some architectural concern?
Lean advocates to defer until "the last responsible moment" without offering much help on knowing when that is.
Many of my examples throughout this series rely on the Lean Software concept of deferring decisions to the last responsible moment.
本系列中我所用的很多示例都是依赖将决策推迟到最后责任时刻的Lean Soft ware概念。
Try to put off architectural decisions until the last responsible moment as well, even though they have a bigger potential impact.
The lean movement has a great phrase: the last responsible moment — not the last moment, but the last responsible moment for decisions.
精益软件运动有一个很好的概念叫做最后可靠时刻(last responsible moment) —不是将决定推迟到最后时刻,而是最后可靠时刻。
By waiting on design decisions until the last responsible moment, you have better knowledge and context for the real impact of the decision.
The lean software movement (see Resources) has a great concept called the last responsible moment: defer decisions not until the last moment, but until the last responsible moment.
精益软件运动(见参考资料)有一个很好的概念叫做最后可靠时刻(last responsible moment):不是将决定推迟到最后时刻,而是最后可靠时刻。
The distinction I made earlier between framework-level architecture and application architecture ties into the principle of Last Responsible Moment.
前面所述的框架级架构和应用程序架构之间的区别将与 “最后责任时刻”原则联系起来。
The distinction I made earlier between framework-level architecture and application architecture ties into the principle of Last Responsible Moment.
前面所述的框架级架构和应用程序架构之间的区别将与 “最后责任时刻”原则联系起来。