The results indicate that the fitting based on the least squares method is feasible and valid.
The Principle of the least squares method is applied to the static calibration of strain guage balances.
The matching function was built by the Least Squares method, and it was solved by the genetic algorithms.
Linear regression analysis (the least squares method) is one technique for estimation a line of best fit.
An online identification algorithm was constructed using the least squares method and an RBF neuro network.
The result obtained from these two method corresponds with that from the least squares method in the books of survey adjustment.
The parameter check-identification method based on the least squares method makes parameter error identification more efficient.
This paper presents new development of parameter identification for MIMO discrete stochastic linear systems with random parameters based on the least squares method.
Shanghai Composite Index is an important index for Chinese stock market, and we apply the Least Squares Method with roughness penalty to smooth its historical data, using spline functions.
Selecting the AIC criterion as the selection principle to get the system model orders, recognizing the model parameters by the least squares method, it has recognized the system ARX model.
Then the system parameters and kinematical parameters is estimated and a new calibration block is designed, After that the parameters are determined as a result by the least squares method.
Comparing with the least squares method, the advantage of this approach in that the influence of non-integer harmonic errors on the estimate of model parameters has been effectively restricted.
Compute the distance from each data sample to the cluster center (our randomly selected data row), using the least-squares method of distance calculation.
The LZ algorithm presented in this paper makes possible the solution of the multiple regression analysis problems in management prediction without turning to the commonly used method of least squares.
And the weighted least squares method is presented for gaining more accurate results of correlation dimensions.
The method doesn't need to input the far - end equivalent impedance, while the solution is obtained by using the method of least squares, which theoretically ensures high accuracy.
In this program, the optimization method of "Conjugate Gradient-Least Squares" is employed, since it usually gives good convergent results.
The automatic initial calibration of triaxial accelerometers and triaxial magnetic sensor, based on least squares method, is implemented.
The most accurate method to determine the behavior pattern of a mixed cost is least-squares regression.
In the theoretical calculation, the best approximations algorithm shows its practicability and superiority comparing with the method of least squares.
Use method of the least squares to build function relation between temperature and pressure, the space camber compensation method is realized and makes THD measuring error least.
The passive orientation of IRST is a dynamic triangle measurement. For the fixed target, the orientation error can be minimized by multiple measurements and the least squares(LS) method.
Traditionally, the femoral anatomic axis is obtained by using the least-squares method directly.
The lines shown in these figures were fitted by the method of least squares.
The singular value decomposition least squares(SVDLS)method was improved for the various dynamic spectrum analysis.
Evidently, owing to the application of Venedikov's filter based on the least squares principle, the accuracy obtained by this method is better than that by Pertsev's.
The total least squares method was used in the improved algorithm to obtain the noise subspace.
Prominent among the various techniques that can help to extrapolate past date into future trends are the following:time series, least squares method, exponential smoothing, regression and correlation.
Based on the moving least squares method, an effective meshless method is developed for the vibration analysis of elastic bodies.
The paper establishes the model for the urban life-water quantity prediction by means of combining neural network with the partial least squares method.