As we have seen, all this makes perfect sense to observer a in terms of the length contraction produced by the motion of the rulers around the periphery.
The relation of length force and force velocity are two important characters for skeletal muscle contraction, but there is still limitation when describing the nature of skeletal muscle.
The superposition property of elastic wave's Doppler effect and the influence of relativistic time dilation and length contraction on elastic wave's Doppler effect are also discussed.
Based on the crystal structure data of the lanthanide complexes, lanthanide contraction of the single valance bond length R0 for Ln-O bond is confirmed.
Human body movements are achieved through muscle contraction and relaxation of this activity changing in the strength or length.
If the absolute reference frame is admitted, in accordance with FitzGerald-Lorentz length contraction effect and Lodge-Lorentz time dilation effect, the slide down paradox can be eliminated.
The relations between the initial length of rabbit's muscles rectus femoris and its contraction tension were studied with stimulation of pulse electric current.
By using Lorentz transformation, this article explains the paradox of Lorentz length contraction, it also proves that observers in different reference systems reach the same observing conclusion.
In the end the relationship of steel grades, mould length, drawing speed and sectional dimensions of the billet with mould taper and solidification and contraction coefficient has been discussed.
In this paper the author analyzes that Time Dilation Effect and Length Contraction Effect in special relativity have no relations with acceleration but velocity.
The features of the spillway on bank of Fangzhu Hydropower Station are largeflow, aburpt slope, small curve, contraction along full length, torsion on the bottom.
The features of the spillway on bank of Fangzhu Hydropower Station are largeflow, aburpt slope, small curve, contraction along full length, torsion on the bottom.