The difference between the current replacement cost of a company's inventory and the LIFO cost shown in the accounting records.
The LIFO method will cause the reporting of relatively large gross profit as compared with FIFO, which will hold reported gross profit to minimum.
In this case the row returned to RPG is dependent on which of the duplicate key handling DDS keywords (LIFO (default), FIFO or LCFO) were used when creating the keyed logical file.
在这种情况下,返回R PG的行取决于创建键逻辑文件时使用的是哪个用于处理DDS关键字的重复键(LIFO(默认值)、FIFO或LCFO)。
The virtual stack -- like a real stack -- is a last in-first out (LIFO) data structure that temporarily stores function arguments and function results.
This simple design, possible because the data obeys strict LIFO order, means that no complex data structure is needed to track stack contents - a simple pointer to the top of the stack will do.
这种简单的设计,很有可能是考虑到数据操作都符合后进先出(LIFO )规则,这意味着访问栈的内容并不需要复杂的数据结构,一个简单的栈顶指针就能搞定一切。
It removes the last element in the List, last-in first-out (LIFO) style.
它删除了List中的最后一个元素,使用后进先出(last - in first - out,LIFO)的方式。
The instructions PUSH and QUEUE correspond to LIFO and FIFO operations on the stack.
When costs are increasing over time, which assumption (LIFO or FIFO) results in higher reported Net Income? In a higher reported value for Inventory on the Balance Sheet?
Thee difference between the reported LIFO inventory carrying amount and the inventory amount that would have been reported if the FIFO method had been used.
This simple design, possible because the data obeys strict LIFO order, means that no complex data structure is needed to track stack contents – a simple pointer to the top of the stack will do.
Still, the existence of a lot of LIFO companies, plus the likelihood that some others will join the crowd, ensures some further increase it the reported turnover of inventory.
The local queues are accessed on last-in, first-out order (LIFO) in order to preserve cache locality and reduce contention.
The stack is a last-in-first-out (LIFO) queue that holds subroutine return addresses, items of data, Pointers, and so on.
The stack is a last-in-first-out (LIFO) queue that holds subroutine return addresses, items of data, Pointers, and so on.