The study shows that the method is feasible to predict the liquefaction of sand soil.
This paper analyzes the application of the statistical analysis method to the estimation of the liquefaction of sand.
In recent two years there appears a new tendency to analyze the liquefaction of sand using FEM on the basis of the effective stress principle.
The behavior properties and corresponding mechanics of the three modes of liquefaction due to earthquake, was stated, namely sand boil, flow slide and cyclic mobility detailedly.
Expressions of total residual pore pressure and critical ratio of pore pressure in different failure stages of liquefaction in saturated sand are deduced based on the dynamic tri-axial tests.
This paper presents the effects of soil liquefaction on design response spectrum in terms of effective stress theory by considering the thickness and depth of sand layer, and the earthquake intensity.
The range of liquefaction is limited so that sand liquefaction does not cause slide failure during vibroflotation.
Shock liquefaction of sand layers is a principal engineering geological problem for the Hadashan water conservancy project.
Influential factors of liquefaction of saturated sand in alluvial plain of Yellow River are analyzed, then one of the anti-liquefaction methods, vibroflotation, is introduced.
The result shows that the shear-wave velocity of saturated sand could be strongly related to the liquefaction resistance under a certain liquefaction criterion.
Based on the microscopic field data of liquefaction it is pointed out that non-uniform settlement of building is the primary type of damages caused by sand liquefaction during earthquake.
The propagation of violent earthquake wave and sand liquefaction are two reasons to make underground pipeline damage.
Since the existing assessment methods of sand liquefaction are not mature, there is much limitation in assessing the possibility of deep sand liquefaction.
The application of gravel pile and CFG pile composite foundation in foundation treatment of liquefaction of sand and soil in seismic area is introduced combined with engineering example.
In geotechnical investigation, clay particle content is often used in identifying saturated sand liquefaction and calculating the characteristic value of foundation bearing capacity.
Steady state strength is an important parameter in evaluating the stability of sand deposits against flow liquefaction.
Combined with the construction practice, the paper introduced the principle, performance and design method of the liquefaction of vibrating sand compaction pile.
Although the dredged sand has a higher strength, the earthquake liquefaction of sand should be considered.
The research expresses that the extension assessment method and the support vector machine are useful tool in the assessment and prediction of sand liquefaction potential.
It was shown that the present method was efficient in solving the prediction of sand liquefaction and could be applied to practical engineering.
The study on the liquefaction characteristics of saturated sand ground improved by soil -cement pile under under modeling the earthquake force is poorer.
It was shown that the resistance to liquefaction of saturated sand was considerably related with both the area of elliptical stress path and the ratio of the two stress components.
It also found that the numerical sand sample made from randomly mixing multiple shapes of sand can quantitatively reflect the regularity of fabric evolution of sands during liquefaction.
For the same ratio of two stress components, the resistance to liquefaction of saturated sand decreased with the increasing area of the elliptical stress path.
For the same ratio of two stress components, the resistance to liquefaction of saturated sand decreased with the increasing area of the elliptical stress path.