If you're taking part in a debate you need to persuade the listeners of the soundness of your argument.
The listeners were all amazed at his idea.
Where can the listeners find the speaker if they have questions?
She changes the words of a story to fit the listeners.
After all, we don't want the listeners or the performers have to struggle, right?
With the exception that one of the listeners converts the input string to uppercase, the code for the listeners is exactly the same.
These words shocked the listeners.
Listing 2 shows how to notify the listeners about the changes.
All were forced at last to take the listeners' views seriously.
And also some places you'd like to point the listeners to learn more.
The dairyman paused, and one or two words of comment came from the listeners.
The listeners are all instances of com.dev.trade.service.StockQuoteListenerImpl.
这些侦听器都是 com.dev.trade.service.StockQuoteListenerImpl的实例。
These methods will in turn call the listeners in whatever thread they were called.
Your ideas and thoughts, and how they benefit the listeners are the most important part.
Since the listeners didn't realize you were making a joke, you never need to apologize or explain it.
If there are any, they are returned from (or "pulled" from) the server and then handed to the listeners.
These classes decide when they need to fire events, and when they do, they call all the listeners that are registered.
The last movement forced a degree of awed concentration out of the listeners, finding release only with the final chord.
When the widget, or its containing parent, is disposed, SWT removes the listeners, thereby breaking the strong association.
You add each button both to the panel and to the instance list of clearable items, which you'll use in one of the listeners.
In most brain regions, the activation pattern in the listeners' brains came a few seconds after that seen in Silbert's brain.
So I put this question to our 4 guests: which online shopping app do they recommend to the listeners and readers of ReadWriteWeb?
For this purpose, the listeners have to be aware of the method in CityWeatherPlugin to invoke to register themselves as listeners to the weather data events.
You can see from the output how stories are listed, how the opportunity is provided for input, and how help is given to the listeners so they know what to do.
If the listeners knew that the sound was fingernails on the chalkboard, they rated it as more unpleasant than if they were told it was from a musical composition.
Many presentations or lectures fail because they simply attempt to transfer information from speaker to listener as if the listeners were not active participants.
The workbench page implements a service defined by the interface org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionService to orchestrate the sourcing of UI selection events to the listeners.
工作台页面实现or g . eclipse .ui . ISelectionService接口定义的服务,从而将ui选择事件告之监听器。
Every expert has a story about a "blind" test in which several instruments are played out of sight and the listeners have to guess which is the Strad and which the modern pretender.
This is followed by notification of event occurrence to all listeners of the widget registered for that same event type and in the order in which the listeners were registered on widget.
This is followed by notification of event occurrence to all listeners of the widget registered for that same event type and in the order in which the listeners were registered on widget.