The little bear invited us today. I am going to his house!
"This is my home!" the little bear stamped his feet with anger.
The little tiger was petrified, and they had to stand outside the little bear.
Hi kitty! Are you going to the little bear 's house? Can you take me with you?
"But I lived here all the time," shouted the little bear uneasily, "How can you be so shameless?"
An idea suddenly dawned on the little bear, "We both can climb, so why not climb up and find out the reason?"
I really wish that I was the little bear which is holding in your hand, then I can warm you the whole winter.
Early next morning, the little bear and the little cat bear woke up when the first sunshine shined on the crown of the tree.
Then the little tiger, the little bear, and the little fox said: "you three of the trouble I know, to stand outside the penalty for an hour! ""
Their little brother Teddy was the youngest, the little bear whom everyone cuddled, whom no one took seriously and from whom little was expected.
The little bear told the cat bear a strange thing, " Yesterday at noon, I was sleeping under a large leaf tree when suddenly a heavy downpour woke me up."
I implore you, for the love you bear your children, the little Tunnies, to help us, or we are lost!
"Good-night, Bear," the little girl called loudly, for they were just disappearing in the shed.
One day little bear came to visit grandmother bear and grandfather bear in their little house in the woods.
The little boy cuddled the teddy bear close.
This week President Obama said the obvious: that wealthy Americans, many of whom pay remarkably little in taxes, should bear part of the cost of reducing the long-run budget deficit.
However pure and sincere we may be, we all bear upon our candor the crack of the little, innocent lie.
Most if not all of these deployments bear little or no relationship to preserving the safety of the American people.
A week ago - (" a little more cheese, waiter ") -a week ago I grieved for the dying summer. I wondered how I could possibly bear the waiting-the eight long months till May.
Yes, I know this may look a little too messy initially, but bear with me: once you break the ingrained habit of linear note taking, you won't look back.
The companies bear little resemblance to Goldman Sachs and the other Wall Street financial giants that have become the main targets of the legislation.
This seems a little weird, but bear with me for second, in fact, I've given you a little piece a code to do it, which is the next piece of code on the hand out.
This seems a little weird, but bear with me for second, in fact, I've given you a little piece a code to do it, which is the next piece of code on the hand out.