Under the reference of the great traditional and western modern culture,. Lu Xun thinks deeply about the modern significance of the little tradition.
Thus began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.
Poland has little tradition of internal Labour mobility, so shortages in Warsaw and the country's booming western crescent can coexist with deep joblessness in the east.
The young girl, who was the only girl to play for the Pirates, the Canyon del Oro Little League baseball team, continued the family's baseball tradition.
The Netherlands boasts some fine jewellery schools, but, other than diamond-cutting, there is little historical tradition in jewellery making.
It's a little like it was with Lu Xun. Although he was against the extreme filial duty emphasized by tradition, in real life he was a filial person.
Both myself and Wayne wanted to do something a bit different for our wedding day but at the same time wanted to maintain a little bit of tradition.
He spends too much time quoting obscure reviewers and reciting minor academic quarrels, and says too little about Trevor-Roper’s place in the great tradition of British historians.
Some people say, "what's the value of tradition if it's kept alive for profit, and bears little relation to real life?"
Since tourists know little towards the local custom and tradition, they might conflict with the native residents during the communication.
As a national activity, the project of national folk culture protection should be supported by the "little tradition" environment culture protection.
The notions, "great tradition" and "little tradition", have been prevalent in the study of the relation between upper culture and mass culture.
Don't aware of self in, the lifting of nerve cat subconscious lifts a sharp short knife with a little a seedling family tradition space in hand.
In our naming habits, as in so much else, we inherit the English tradition, although this differs little from that of Europe in general.
Mr Kolakowski showed little interest in the Oxford tradition of analytical philosophy; like his great Oxonian philosophical contemporary, Isaiah Berlin, he formulated no grand scheme of ideas.
I'm always happy when I take the time to observe a tradition, do a family project, spread a little cheer, take a photo.
At this time, in the many factor of under influence and function, realism oil painting in China from tradition of realism little by little change direction new realism period.
It largely come from Irish ancient tradition that Yeats belongs the national culture, which is currently receiving little note.
Born in a family with a long tradition of billiards, the little boy has no problem in making clearance, as well as straight hitting and bank shots.
But because the thinks of Yinyang and Zhanshu had also the energies, the doctrine of Yi-wei came to the "little tradition" and was absorbed by the Shushu and Fangji.
A long time, researchers believe that Hobbes attributed to the natural law tradition, the positive law of his ideas paid little attention.
The Daoist tradition emphasises harmony with nature and has little to say about social harmony.
The Daoist tradition emphasises harmony with nature and has little to say about social harmony.