The Centre operates programmes dealing with industrial engineering, enterprise logistics, management training and human resources development.
Only better to deepen the logistics management, the greatest degree reduces the enterprise cost control, to strengthen the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market.
Therefore, if the management of logistics enterprises in the supply chain management combine with high-tech strategies, enterprise will achieve a great success.
Emphasizing the strategic process of logistics management is as a character that supply-chain logistics differs from the traditional enterprise logistics management.
So outer logistics management of enterprise becomes the very important question of inner logistics management of manufacturing enterprise.
Logistics management in enterprise management in the process to play a pivotal role.
According to the present and the future situation of RFID and automobile manufacturing enterprise, this paper puts forward the production logistics management information system based on RFID.
The strategy research of the Logistics enterprise based on supply chain management is a theme of narrow range.
How to make the logistics management well in a producing enterprise is being explored by almost all the company, I hope this article could give you a hand in your research.
As a new concept and method of management, logistics management in enterprise brings into actively efficient effect when it is applied to the production management of modern enterprise.
Unfortunately, the independent accounting among each business department resulted in the emergence of the bottleneck in unified enterprise logistics management.
Material cost is the main cost of coal enterprise, and the traditional material management methods can not adapt the market competition in modern logistics environment.
By the seven subsystems, businesses in and outside the enterprise form an overall organic function and thus an integrated logistics management system under supply chain comes into the world.
So the research of automatization management of enterprise trail logistics, and based on which, development a suit of software system of automatization management logistic is significant.
The problem often faced by logistics managers is whether self-run storage or public storage in the decision of enterprise storage management.
The management model of logistics system in industrial enterprise is one of the major areas of international logistics research at present.
Inventory management as a major component of modern logistics management plays a critical role in the course of enterprise operational decision-making.
This kind of condition contains the level of logistics management in business enterprise, the business enterprise competition ability enhances.
To upgrade customer service level and increase profit for the enterprise, modern popular logistics management mode is explored, that is the entry - factory logistics.
As one of the key processes of enterprise management, logistics integration is getting more important and the trend of logistics socialization is becoming more and more obvious.
The profits of a Third-Party logistics Enterprise, essentially stems from the modern science of logistics management by promoting new values, which is also called the third source for profits.
The passage described that the real aim of reducing cost to enlarge the revenue are achieved by constructing the standard system in auto logistics enterprise and using it in daily management.
The operation condition of a logistics of enterprise system reflects on the degree of integrate management and the abilities of competing the market in a way.
Firstly, the paper introduces 3c method and the pyramid tool in customer Relationship Management, points out that the logistics enterprise also needs the work of customer segmentation.
Logistics is the third profit source for enterprise, good logistics management can result in reducing of the cost and gaining of a competitive edge for the enterprise.
Logistics management is one of the most important aspect in foreign trade enterprise, which has a bearing on the competence of operating and credit.
Logistics quality is the core of the logistics service management, which relates directly to the overall achievements in logistics enterprise.
The modern enterprise must have a modern logistics management concepts, and effectively exert the advantages of RFID technology for enterprises to improve efficiency and create value.
The system of ERP of Beer enterprise can divide into Five part: Automation of official business, Management of human resource, Production management, Logistics and Financial management.
The inner logistics is an important basic point to enterprise operation and management.