The changing thickness of the adsorbed water layers can be used to interpret the non-Darcy percolating character in case of low flow velocity of the low permeability oil reservoir.
The initial results of this criterion applied in the petroliferous area shows it can improve the success ratio of CO_2 stimulation in the low permeability oil reservoir effectively.
Low permeability reservoir is one of the main oil and gas exploration areas in China.
The main characteristics of Gunan 131 fault block oil reservoir in Gudao oilfield are deep burial, low permeability, difficult water injection, low recovery percent and low recovery efficiency.
In combination with oil testing data after fracturing, the separations are used in low permeability reservoir discrimination and it has achieved good effectiveness.
Ansai oil field in Ordos basin is a ultra low permeability reservoir with natural and induced fractures, which caused serious lateral heterogeneity of permeability in the reservoir.
The reservoir of Wenmi Oilfield in Tuha area is characterized by low porosity, low permeability and low productivity, as well as high wax and high asphalt in crude oil.
The cyclic water-flooding method is effective for development of oil in low-permeability matrix of limestone reservoir and unsuitable for the oil-wet reservoir.
In the case of same horizontal section, the oil production increase in low permeability reservoir is more than that in high permeability reservoir.
It is indicated that the technique of shielded temporary plugging is quite effective for reservoir protection of viscous oil fields with high permeability and low pressure in Bohai Sea.
The original elastic energy in low permeability reservoir is generally small, so all the oil fields early or late adopt water flooding to keep the pressure of the low permeability reservoir.
The results suggest that a reservoir with low vertical permeability and interlayer above the water oil contact would have good effect of water extraction and cone control.
This paper fully and systematically analyses the reasons for low oil yield of numbers of heavy oil, super-heavy oil, loose sand reservoir and low permeability layers in Shengli oilfield.
Shanle Oilfield is the especially low permeability oil reservoir of coal measure interlay in Tuha oil region, with particular geologic condition and complicated structure.
According to seepage characters and fissure distribution in fractured low permeability oil reservoir, equivalent model to simulate the fluid flow in fractured reservoir was set up.
It is an important content for the feasibility study of nitrogen injection in Zhongyuan oilfield to put up a pilot field test of nitrogen injection in low permeability oil reservoir.
A systematical experimental method of acid treatment for increasing injection of injection Wells and well stimulation in the low permeability reservoir of Binnan oil field was proposed.
In China, the low permeability reservoir will become the mainstream of oil and gas exploration and development.
The tiny diagenesis cracks are mainly the reservoir space of condensate gas. The reservoir rock is characterized by low permeability and porosity, tiny throat, larger surface and affinity for oil.
The distribution character of movable oil and irreducible oil in low permeability reservoir was presented.
提出了 不同低渗透储层可动油和残余油在地层孔喉中的分布 规律。
Hydraudic Fracturing plays an important role in increasing production of with Low permeability reservoir and it also is the prime approach to raising the rate of oil-gas extraction.
Petroleum researchers both at home and abroad always pay much attention to the development of low permeability oil reservoir.
Tazhong 16 of Tarim oil field as an example, a development method for the layer reservoir of mid -low permeability bottom water was introduced in the paper.
Some of the production Wells in Jianghan oil Region possess the geological features including low reservoir permeability, thin adjoining layer between water and oil layers, etc.
The fluid flow properties and mechanism of fluid flow in low-permeability reservoir with fractured sandstones are complicated. The spontaneous imbibition of water is very important for oil recovery.
For the low porosity and permeability reservoir of Shi Wu Oilfield, fracture is the main flow channel of oil and gas. So it is essential to do a comprehensive research on the fracture.
For the low porosity and permeability reservoir of Shi Wu Oilfield, fracture is the main flow channel of oil and gas. So it is essential to do a comprehensive research on the fracture.