In China, the low permeability reservoir will become the mainstream of oil and gas exploration and development.
The low permeability reservoir reflected by the matrix does not represent the real permeability of the reservoirs.
The multiple fracturing technique is one of effective approaches to enhance the production of the low permeability reservoir.
The throat characteristic of the low permeability reservoir is the crucial factor that decides if physical quality is good in low permeability layer.
In this paper, the modified starch polymer gel system is investigated for fracture plugging in the low permeability reservoir of Chang 6 in Zhengjin oilfield.
A systematical experimental method of acid treatment for increasing injection of injection Wells and well stimulation in the low permeability reservoir of Binnan oil field was proposed.
It was difficult for pulse testing in the low permeability reservoir, selection of calculation point of pulse directly affected the interpreting results of pulse pressure response curves.
The original elastic energy in low permeability reservoir is generally small, so all the oil fields early or late adopt water flooding to keep the pressure of the low permeability reservoir.
Therefore the log interpretation model should be set up in consideration of the different reservoir types and its key problem is to identify the low permeability reservoir type by use of log data.
Low permeability reservoir is one of the main oil and gas exploration areas in China.
Complicated diagenesis had happened in the low - permeability sandstone reservoir which mainly controls the distribution of advantageous reservoir facies.
The generation mechanism of CO during fracturing stimulation in low permeability reservoir is first studied in this paper.
Jurassic coal-bearing formation scatters over the northwestern China. The low-permeability sandstone reservoir occurs as the main reservoir type.
The seepage flow characteristics of a typical fractured low permeability reservoir were studied by experiments.
The main characteristics of Gunan 131 fault block oil reservoir in Gudao oilfield are deep burial, low permeability, difficult water injection, low recovery percent and low recovery efficiency.
In combination with oil testing data after fracturing, the separations are used in low permeability reservoir discrimination and it has achieved good effectiveness.
Therefore, the impact of starting pressure gradient must be considered when analyzing the productivity of vertical fracture well in low permeability reservoir.
The low reservoir permeability is mainly caused by destroyed fracture system, producing and increasing fragmented coal and mylonitic coal.
In the case of same horizontal section, the oil production increase in low permeability reservoir is more than that in high permeability reservoir.
The testing results of a low permeability reservoir indicate that this IPR equation can effectively evaluate the impact of starting pressure gradient on inflow performance.
The tight reservoir is of the characteristics of low permeability and high shale content.
Successful adjustment of injection and production system is an important approach to exploit the low super low permeability reservoir efficiently.
Practice for the development of oilfield exploitation of the world indicates that the water jet perforation is the optimal method for low permeability reservoir.
The fluid loss reducing capacity of the gel was investigated in the microcrack reservoirs of the low permeability gas reservoir through evaluation tests.
The study shows that the swelling clay is the key factor that affects considerably the percolation feature of low permeability reservoir.
The extremely low permeability of Chang8 reservoir in Xifeng Oilfield makes hydraulic fracturing both an important treatment and development method for the oilfield.
The research may be a good example for the development of low permeability reservoir.
A new simple pore mechanics model is established based the pore structure of low permeability reservoir rock, from which the quadratic equation of effective stress and permeability can be educed.
A new simple pore mechanics model is established based the pore structure of low permeability reservoir rock, from which the quadratic equation of effective stress and permeability can be educed.