The low velocity layer possibly is formed by metamorphic water.
The stack velocity calculated on the floating datum depends on the velocity of medium underlying the low velocity layer and is independent of topography and low velocity layer.
The characteristics of loess interface landslide and loess-mudstone layer plane landslide are low sliding velocity, short sliding distance and low stability after sliding.
The dispersive characteristics of the Rayleigh waves propagated in the layered media are investigated experimentally by ultrasonic detection test, especially in the presence of a low-velocity layer.
Authors put forward an effective method which achieves long-wavelength static correction by deriving the low-velocity layer structure from refraction first breaks.
Many seismic profiles in South China have demonstrated that low-velocity layer generally exists in the middle crust.
Therefore it is considered that interaction between low velocity layer and fault could be one of the main physical property and structural environment in seismogenesis.
The vertical structures of temperature and wind in the boundary layer also have an effect on the vertical distribution of low-frequency spectra of horizontal wind velocity.
With forward modeling, this paper studied in detail the effects of irregular surface, low velocity layer, and Q value on reflections.
The crust is multilayered and there exists a low velocity layer in the lower crust.
The geothermal anomaly, low velocity zone and high conductivity layer in crust, and frequent occurrence of strong earthquakes show that the study area is an active area of modern tectonization.
The horizontal low velocity layer, the vertical low velocity zone and the high velocity layer in the basement of the lower crust are related to the ore_forming processes.
There is a low velocity-high conductive layer in the mid-crust of the Songliao Basin.
When a low-velocity layer exists, the fundamental guided curve will become complex, some guided waves will assume intersection trend, and some guided waves show phenomenon of truncati…
The lowermost mantle layer is above the core mantle boundary (CMB) and composed of D" region and ultra-low velocity zone (ULVZ)."
The lowermost mantle layer is above the core mantle boundary (CMB) and composed of D" region and ultra-low velocity zone (ULVZ)."