The man in white is our English teacher.
The man in white is my father and the woman beside him is my mother.
The man in white climbed onto the snowmobile and scooted down the slope to us.
The driver was a white man in forties.
To ride, to hunt, to smoke like a Turk in the sunshine, there's the destiny of the white man.
All of them are descended from that man in the white suit.
In moments like this I felt hypnotized but also uncomfortable — the woman on the sidelines, the white woman objectifying the body of her black man.
By the Indian's side, and evidently sustaining a companionship with him, stood a white man, clad in a strange disarray of civilised and savage costume.
That was the question a white man in Memphis recently asked a racial reconciliation group with which I am involved.
But the portly, mustachioed man who stood looking at him, in a short-sleeved white shirt and blue trousers, hands clasped awkwardly in front of him, was not smiling.
The book, titled the Man in the White Suit, will be published on September 16.
Police found two of Slusser's masks in Zdzierak's safe - one of a young black man called "the Player," and another of an old white man called "the Elder."
警方在Zdzierak的保险箱里发现了两副面具,一副年轻黑人男子的面具,称为“ThePlayer”,另一幅是白人老头的面具,称为“ TheElder ”。
No one CARES about it except the man in the White House.
We sat on carpet samples because my father had torn out the seats in a sober rage not long after he bought the van from a crazy white man.
She also found a white man to love: MGM musical arranger Lenny Hayton, whom she married in 1947 and, though they separated in the '50s, never divorced.
Marius was struck with the beauty of this white hair, and scrutinized the man, who was walking slowly and as though absorbed in painful meditation.
But how did the fat man in the Coca-Cola red-and-white suit become the symbol of Christmas?
It is the perfect design for the biography ofa man who insisted that even the innards of his products be exquisitelycrafted, and that his factory walls gleam in the whitest white.
They will also be asking whether what Mr Carter describes could really happen in America and, of course, if the country is ready to put a black man in the White House.
He's a poor white man in the South; his social status was just better than those colored people.
We rode past men praying to Mecca, children playing in the sea and - occasionally - an ageing white woman with a strapping black man half her age.
The man in the video is seen telling White Center Shell station owner John Henry: "Could you do me a favor?
Red and green are the rarest, and unlike white, man-made diamonds, are finite as they are only found in one or two areas in the world.
From the day I met him until the day I flew home from the White House to speak at his funeral, Hilary Jones was my man in Newton County.
While dreaming of his beloved a man easily slips into a daydream of himself clad in shining armour, riding his trusty white charger, sweeping to the rescue of a beautiful woman.
It involved a struggle to reconcile black and white within the soul of a single man, a quest to find the solid after a childhood in which too much had been fleeting.
Race was once a bar to the clubs and drawing-rooms of respectable society. Now a black man is in the White House.
Wrapped in a voluminous white blanket, and partly crammed into one of the cribs, there sat an old man apparently about seventy years of age.
Wrapped in a voluminous white blanket, and partly crammed into one of the cribs, there sat an old man apparently about seventy years of age.