There'll be a plan on each table and I've been thinking about where to put the master plan so everyone can view it before they enter the restaurant.
The master plan will also reshape the waterfront's overall terrain.
Explore the world of Fantastic Mr. Fox. Can you follow the Master Plan?
The master plan doubles this requirement and goes beyond to preserve 336 additional acres in conservation.
The master plan, created by HOK, covers 60 hectares and sets out the blueprint for city's first Techno Park.
With five more victories required to retain the Premiership title, the Frenchman spelled out the master plan.
The paper introduces the master plan, principle, composition, characteristic parameter, operational test of it.
The relationship between the intentions of the Master plan and the potential of the Campus Center must be studied in full.
Further conceptualization and design development of the master plan will be required prior to implementation of the vision.
New ideas and concepts have been put into the master plan and urban design, therefore, the city has a more rational urban structure.
As you might expect, every contractor had already reviewed the master plan to see that their work was represented as they had bid it.
This new amenity takes the form of a series of lakes, wetlands and waterways which lend form to the new districts in the master plan.
The Master Plan of Navy Yard focuses on having a mixed-use campus based around historic preservation, sustainability, and smart growth.
It's all part of the master plan as ham aims to become the first domainer to move from the ranks of at-home name hunter to internet titan.
Conservation framework. The master plan for isla Palenque proposes a framework for the conservation of the island's environmental systems.
China supports the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity and will work with the countries involved to build roads, railways, water routes and ports.
The master plan boundary includes the project area and may include all associated buildings and sites outside of the LEED project boundary.
The Master Plan that was presented to the previous owners by Wayne Morrison and Tom Paul in 2006 should be dusted off and carefully followed.
He explains that the master plan is a list of ongoing approved robotics projects and adds that the OSD manages its own detailed robotics road map.
The 17th ASEAN Summit, which was held in October last year, adopted the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity to speed up the integration process of ASEAN.
The master plan ning of township and village tourism development has much commonness as average tourism plans but it must extrude feature and can be operated.
Utilizing a complex management matrix and an dedicated group of volunteers, the Master Plan defines strategic interventions to initiate new dynamic ecologies.
The master plan for Riverview Park envisions a new 70-acre recreational venue for southwest Louisville that celebrates a diverse landscape along the Ohio River.
Currently, the master plan is awaiting approval from Chinese authorities, after which the developers will begin to seek out funding and potential business partners.
Masdar, for example, is the world's first experiment to create a zero carbon, zero waste desert city - and we designed the master plan as well as the first buildings.
According to the museum's director, Bill Bleathman, the master plan is six weeks away, but he'd like to see what else can be unearthed before any new buildings go up.
The integrated sales plan system is an important module in the sales section in the supply chain management. Its kernel is the master plan and efficiency-optimized model.
The integrated sales plan system is an important module in the sales section in the supply chain management. Its kernel is the master plan and efficiency-optimized model.