MaxBy - "Returns the maximal element of the given sequence, based on the given projection."
The paper analyses an algorithm named the maximal element method about radar jamming resources assignment based on the principles of operational research.
As a final example of using lower bounded wildcards, lets look at the method Collections. Max , which returns the maximal element in a collection passed to it as an argument.
The collection has reached its maximal size, and you are trying to add another element (objects unit).
集合物件已经达成它的最大大小,而且你正在尝试增加另外的一个元件(物件单位) 。
Innew method, the element with maximal degree of satisfaction is an optimal element.
The new result is applied to obtain a KKM type theorem and maximal and minimal element theorems which are equivalent to each other on G-FC-spaces.
应用这个新结果获得了一个在G - FC -空间中相互等价的KK M型定理和极大极小元定理。
The result shows that predicting life by elasticity-plasticity finite element analysis is low and the maximal stress-strain cycle can be calculated accurately by the residual stress method.
The strength and stiffness of crepper frame is analysed by finite element method in this paper, through which the location of the maximal distortion and stress can be found in normal conditions.
The new result is applied to obtain a KKM type theorem and maximal and minimal element theorems which are equivalent to each other on G-FC-spaces.
Using the notion of coefficient matrix and maximal element. We prove that the Lie algebra is semi-simple and it has no abelian two dimensional subalgebra.
Using the notion of coefficient matrix and maximal element. We prove that the Lie algebra is semi-simple and it has no abelian two dimensional subalgebra.