In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education.
Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education.
We can see that teaching can be successful, the right to use the medium of instruction is crucial.
Classroom teaching is a kind of knowledge and information transfer process Teachers and the medium of instruction is the transmission of a major carrier.
It is taught from infant school and kindergarten, and is the medium of instruction for a few primary schools, many secondary schools and all universities.
Craig (2004) argued that class teaching, as the second language context, highlights both the content of second language and the medium of instruction (p. 2).
In most cases, only 50% of the papers from the content of textbooks, and another 50% in the medium of instruction from the coach who assisted other referenced content.
English is neither the national language nor native language for most Singaporeans, but it is the first language in Singapore and the medium of instruction in schools.
It is proposed that the rights of students to freely choose the medium of instruction should be respected, and the bilingual education should be carried out in the form of elective course.
Although it was only a response to improve the curriculum in English, but I found it very interesting, it was the first time I experienced the way the medium of instruction in the United States.
English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school.
Audio Language and Silent Language commonly used in the Medium of Vocal Instruction have been collected, categorized and defined in the paper.
Chinese at a higher level than other schools and with greater cultural content, but the main medium of instruction is English.
Evidence that for the last six years of secondary school you studied in an institution where French is the main medium of instruction (transcripts, certificate).
Evidence that for the last six years of secondary school you studied in an institution in which English was the main medium of instruction transcripts, certificate.
Evidence that for the last six years of secondary school you studied in an institution in which English was the main medium of instruction transcripts, certificate.