Today is off day for us in us because of the Memorial day.
There will be no school on the Memorial Day weekend (May 24).
Their neighbor calls to invite them to go shopping-the Memorial Day sale is on.
The time of birth of each person has a birthday, When he left, the memorial day as his birthday.
General John Alexander Logan ordered the Memorial day holiday to be observed by decorating the war dead.
Supporters, including the White House, had hoped that senators would finish work on it this week, before the Memorial Day recess.
Thin trading made for a lackluster day on Wall Street, with desks short-staffed before the Memorial day holiday that will keep U. S. markets closed on Monday.
The Memorial Day weekend is coming to a close - I’ve been away from the computer for almost 48 hours (gasp!) and I want to get another jQuery tutorial up and online quickly.
Memorial Day weekend marks the kick-off of the summer holiday season.
On this Memorial Day, we honor the generations of Americans who have fought and died to defend our freedom.
On this Memorial day, and every day, we bear a heavy burden of responsibility to uphold the founding principles so many died defending.
Five years ago, at the 20th anniversary remembrance of the bombing at the Beirut Memorial in Jacksonville, N.C., I met one of the many American children who were left fatherless that day.
A few weeks ago, the morning after Memorial Day, my dad landed in the emergency room with intense stomach pain.
In the United States, Memorial day is May 25, a popular holiday, for it's the unofficial start of summer.
Smaller scale events are expected in cities and towns across the country on Memorial day - a holiday that is also seen by many as the start of the summer season in the United States.
There Obama took part in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns, followed by a Memorial Day service in a large amphitheater at the cemetery.
Because the inn's restaurant is closed until Memorial Day, they often eat dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant, they said.
And besides, regardless of when you read this tutorial, I posted it after a Memorial Day of fun in the sun on the beaches of Florida. I just put the family to bed and I still have sand on my feet.
To this day, it doesn't get any easier for me to think about it, but at the same time I don't want to forget about those young Marines and their memorial service.
Since being chosen as Mr McCain's running-mate in 2008, Mrs Palin has courted publicity tirelessly, most recently with the “One Nation” bus tour she launched in Washington, DC, on Memorial Day.
In 1968, Congress passed the Monday Holiday law, which moved Memorial day, Columbus day, Veterans day and Washington's Birthday from their original dates to Mondays.
And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.
With you together of the time, although very short, but with you every day of the memorial was worth.
On the day before Memorial day, 1983, a poet called me to describe a city he had just visited.
Virginia Tech began a new school year August twentieth, a day after a ceremony for a memorial to the thirty-two victims.
Virginia Tech began a new school year August twentieth, a day after a ceremony for a memorial to the thirty-two victims.