The memory controller is coupled with a dynamic random access memory.
The memory controller can perform the memory initialization by receiving a start address of a memory, an end address of the memory and a fill value.
By putting this information on the FSB, the request agent lets other processors know how this transaction affects their caches, and how the memory controller (northbridge) should behave.
Source adapter controller - the source adapter controller has an in-memory "mailbox" that it monitors to pick up events and passes them to the corresponding collaboration.
The SPE cannot read main memory directly, but instead must import and export data between the local store and main memory using DMA commands to a unit called the memory flow controller, or MFC.
The triple-channel controller will appear on both desktop and server/workstation offerings, and it will support three memory modules per channel.
They are used for issuing DMA commands to the memory flow controller, handling SPE events, and reading and writing messages to and from the PPE.
A memory controller on the chip.
The API for interacting with the memory flow controller (MFC) is provided by the MFC headers.
The essential hardwares of computer contain CPU, memory, interrupt controller, DMA controller, etc.
Meanwhile, the design method of the memory state feedback controller is proposed.
Controller 218 typically contains buffer memory for the user data being written to, or read from, the memory array.
Command data for controlling the flash memory device is input to the controller 218.
The trend is to integrate the memory arrays and controller circuits of a system together on one or more integrated circuit chips.
The BIST controller can not only perform traditional memory test algorithms but also generates test patterns required for the logic part.
In hardware design part, explains especially the interface of S3C2410 CPU chip with memory and network controller chip.
硬件部分重点论述了S3C 2410处理器与存储器和网络控制器芯片的接口设计问题。
The integrated memory controller is a trump of K8 architecture, and it shows its best in this test.
In addition, the integrated memory controller will support only two channel DDR-3 instead of three.
此外,整合的内存控制器将支持只有两个频道解甲还乡- 3而不是三天。
This system, which facilitates the utility of PC cameras in embedded application, is composed of MCU, USB Host Controller, high-speed RAM and FLASH memory.
此系统主要由单片机,USB主机控制器,高速RAM, FLASH存储器等器件组成,使得数码摄像头在嵌入式领域应用成为现实。
The data acquisition system adopted TMS320LF2407A chip of ti as main controller, in addition, designed peripheral signal processing circuit, memory module, communication module and so on.
该数据采集系统采用TI公司的TMS320 LF 2407 A芯片为主控制器,另外设计了相应的外围信号调理电路、存储模块、通信模块等。
Controller is calculated for the standard the memory DDR2 SDRAM and allows the possibility of programming latency.
A sensitivity predictive controller with memory recurrent network for use in the comprehensive control of the water hammer and the frequency is proposed.
A memory controller is designed to stabilize the given system.
The active control of structural free vibration using fuzzy associative memory networks controller is studied in this paper.
The design method of nonvolatile memory based on intelligent controller of circuit breaker was researched.
The robotic controller has enough memory to store hundreds of individual part motions.
At first, the memory state feedback controller is designed.
How to recover a system font manually from the VGA controller memory?
Thus, the controller (or control capability) can be embedded in the host or included within a removable memory system.
Thus, the controller (or control capability) can be embedded in the host or included within a removable memory system.