In other words, if your actions are misunderstood and suddenly you become the victim of harassment, earlier examples of flirtatious behavior may make you seem complicit.
Tang Qingding, hospital spokesman, said, "They delivered the message over the phone, and the doctors responsible misunderstood the meaning of the English words."
Maybe one of the most overused and misunderstood words in the business lexicon.
If a missioner's words are doubtful, or he is doubted to has misunderstood the main mission of his boss, then he will be out of luck.
Women began to go out from manly words, who hidden, misunderstood and distorted, and demand to show their meanings and values. They continue to transform the powerful relation between women and men.
Since Tao was misunderstood and words were misused, disputes between the sects of Ru and Mo took place, they criticized each other, thinking that the opponent was wrong and self was right.
As a result, these words and expressions are misunderstood and wrongly rendered into the target language without our taking into…
As a result, these words and expressions are misunderstood and wrongly rendered into the target language without our taking into…