There is no obvious effect of income level to the MMPI scales.
Conclusion The MMPI is a better test instrument in psychiatric clinic.
Two groups of Schizophrenic patients, 60 accompanied by and 60 not accompanied by serious harmful consequence, were compared by the MMPI result.
Objective To explore the clinical values of the MMPI auxiliary diagnosis for schizophrenia and understand the personality characteristics of schizophrenics.
Method According to the MMPI of depression patients, to find outs the predictive factors about the therapeutic difficulty and explore the management to it in clinical practice.
The data of MMPI were analysed for the co-factors.
Method MMPI and SCL-90 were utilised to assess 101 patients with radiation lesion and the result was compared with Chinese normal.
Diagnostic efficiency with MMPI-2 in patients with SD was also examined to provide usefiil information for the screening and diagnosis of SD during wartime or peacetime.
Objective To investigate the factor construction of MMPI in pilots on active duty and apply it in psychological assessment of pilots.
Methods: Psychological state and the distribution of diseases in clinic visitors were studied with CCMD 3 as diagnostic criteria of mental disorder and MMPI as a standard for psychological assessment.
A screening of MMPI to Qigong practitioners should be carried out to reject the susceptible population.
Methods 54 OCD patients and 43 normal controls were assessed and compared with the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).
The control group, receiving MMPI assessment only, consisted of 63 subjects (30 males, 33 females) who were employees, their family members and students for advanced study.
Method Utilize MMPI and DSQ measuring scale to detection depression and normal and to compare the two group.
The results of MMPI scores were compared with Chinese norms.
Objective To investigate the value of Multiphasic Personality Inventory by analyzing MMPI test result of severe criminal suspects in judicatory medical identification.
Methods the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI)and Symptom Checklist90(SCL-90)tests were given to sailors before deployment, and psychological profiles were established;
方法航行前对海员进行明尼苏达多项人格问卷(MMPI)和症状自评量表(SCL-90 )测试,建立心理档案;
Methods: Applying Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) to give mental health tests for all the candidates for postgraduate taken re-examinations 2010.
Methods: Applying Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) to give mental health tests for all the candidates for postgraduate taken re-examinations 2010.