Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were 400 times more expensive.
It seems obvious, then, that retail space in Sandida Heights must now be much more expensive than a similar space in Palm Grove, which was not the case several years ago.
Still, claims that the bonds will be impossible to sell or more expensive to issue than equity look silly.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that some of Mr Obama's social policies will be more expensive than the White House claims, and that the economy will grow more slowly.
These items are typically more expensive than the versions that don't make the same health claims.
The table above indicates that backward incompatible changes with versioning are more expensive than backward compatible changes.
The notion that gold is more expensive than ever happens to fit with a larger narrative that also does not square with the facts - namely, that inflation is an imminent threat.
In practice the problem is that producing such "cellulosic" ethanol is much more difficult and expensive than producing it from other crops.
The return of share repurchases on a grand scale (doubtless at a time when they are far more expensive than today) will be a sign that defrosting is giving way to overheating.
Studies show that administering the death penalty is even more expensive than keeping someone in prison for life.
The largest impediment to introduction of electronic chauffeuring may turn out to be the general perception that it's more difficult and expensive to implement than it really is.
The industry is very conservative and they will not go for something that is much more expensive than what they already have just because it is green.
This indicates that the relationship between payload, TCP packets, and transfer time is non-linear and that the first packets on a connection are relatively more expensive than the rest.
Try to cut out the expensive activities that you can do without, like more than two or three nights out a week.
A friend of mine said that the only thing that is more expensive than doing this is not doing this.
The irony is that supermarkets are generally cheaper than other local retailers -- a box of Cheerios can be 40 percent more expensive at the bodega or the dokkan than at the megastore.
One, Apple now offers Intel chip-based PCs that are less expensive than previous Apple computers and thus a more viable option for the average PC user.
A steady rise in the price of sugar over the past month means that it is now more expensive than it has been at any point since the beginning of last year.
When launched, Phoebus's projector is expected to be ten to 20 times more expensive than those that use a xenon lamp. But that, no doubt, will change as the cost of lasers drops.
Starwood's Devdutta Banerjee on the role of OTAs in India - Suppliers acknowledge that online-direct can turn out to be more expensive than traditional GDS distribution if not properly controlled.
College is much, much more expensive than it used to be," he says. "So when people are wrestling with that cost-benefit equation, the cost part of it has gotten bigger and bigger.
Kevin Carey说:“这是随着时代的变化而变化的,现在读大学的费用比以前要高多了;因此当人们思考读大学的成本和收益比时,读大学的成本变得越来越高,这让他们变得越来越纠结——他们越来越考虑读完大学后他们会得到什么样的收益。”
Ask any man who has been in a relationship and he is sure to tell you that more than the expensive dates and costly gifts, the small gestures and little things made all the difference.
The first reason is that producing a TV spot has become so inexpensive, in my experience, it's no more expensive than producing a print ad, a mailer or other forms of media creative.
There are those who remain unconvinced, arguing that the process is nothing more than a shallow, expensive public relations exercise.
The cars made in this city are more expensive than those made in that city.
The dictionary is three times more expensive than that one.
The dictionary is three times more expensive than that one.