Along with the fast development of electronic devices, the substation automation technology is on the point of entering the new digital age.
The high-pitched shrieking of dial-up modems, once the herald of a new digital age, now increasingly evokes a bygone era. It may even make some users feel nostalgic.
Jay Rosen of New York University says such arguments show that in the digital age "the very boundaries around journalism are collapsing."
That classroom needs new ways of measuring progress, tailored to digital times — rather than to the industrial age or to some artsy utopia where everyone gets an Awesome for effort.
It's a new digital age in information services, and academic libraries are on the cutting edge.
After entering the new century, the art culture has swiftly entered the hi-tech age marked by digital technology.
The digital age, it seems, has seen the birth of a new type of Olympian from the country: open, expressive and aware of social media.
In the information age, digital reading has become a new trend.
Starting from the theory of digital library, this paper probes into the functions of E-reading room in the new age, and expounds how to develop further the functions of E-reading room based on it.
A new system with three groups was tested, and the second group (Risser 0 with closed triradiate cartilage and Risser 1) was the best predictor of a digital skeletal age score of between 400 and 425.
Thee timeless act of volunteering in the service of others has taken on new dimensions in today's digital age.
Internet information Service (us) is a new subject for libraries at the digital information age.
Digital graphics designment is a new art form in the counting machine age.
Therefore, we can provide a new perspective and some theoretical references on the extension of contemporary Film Aesthetics and the research on space-time view of human beings in digital age.
Rebecca Runkle, a Morgan Stanley analyst who has watched toymakers scramble in the digital age, calls the new CD-ROMS a strategic coup.
It's a classic parenting dilemma of the digital age: you want your kid to have that shiny new smartphone, but don't want that to lead to an ongoing power struggle over how it can and can't be used.
Digital Library is a new means of literature information dissemination in Network Age, and the hyperlinks technology of digital libraries is the key technologies of information dissemination.
In the Digital Age, the university library's user group and the users' needs present some new characteristics.
The digital age brings an unprecedented new technologies to the architectural design.
The digital age brings an unprecedented new technologies to the architectural design.