What a reduction in abstraction says about the new France!
With the new rules in France, U.S. support could make a difference.
Last Thursday, the French Senate passed a digital services tax, which would impose an entirely new tax on large multinationals that provide digital services to consumers or users in France.
New Zealand's quarrel with France over the Rainbow Warrior incident was formally ended.
Besides the traditional export markets, including the US, Australia, France, the food has also been sent to new markets such as Singapore and New Zealand.
The company received a commercial boost from the Empress Eugenie of France, when she decided the new colour flattered her.
The new rules are likely to be resisted by banks in France and Germany, which hold less capital on their balance sheets than their UK or US counterparts.
Then at the age of 31, I started a new life with basic studies in mathematics at the University of Toulouse, France.
31岁那年,我开始了在法国图卢兹大学学习数学的新生活,在这之后我完成了我的博士论文,是关于 参数化
France would embrace the new global economy rather than fretting about it.
So if Strauss-Kahn escapes the legal quick-sands in New York, he could quickly return triumphant to France and begin campaigning against President Sarkozy.
The new Swedish legislation is similar to that being sought by copyright owners such as record labels and film studios for the UK and France.
You think that everybody is marveling at your travels, your stories, your airplane layovers, your new friends and your photo from the South of France.
Can a new France emerge from the old?
New Zealand’s rugby team, the All Blacks, pipped France by eight points to seven in the Rugby World Cup final in Auckland on October 23rd.
In France, it is setting up a European cultural center in its new Paris headquarters, the former home of the insurance giant AXA.
According to a new study conducted by researchers from Georgia Tech and the University of Lyon, in France, there would rarely be traffic if all drivers behaved the same way.
Ms Gautier said donations had come from France, England, Spain, Brazil, Australia, Canada and the US, and that new volunteers were signing up all the time.
Transmission of the AIDS virus seems to be "out of control" among gay men in France despite an overall fall in the number of new HIV cases in the country, according to a study published on Thursday.
Within weeks of arriving in France Verey is bewitched by the promise of a new life and decides to buy the Mas Lunel.
Indeed, his new book's diagnosis of the ills of 19th-century France is a compelling reminder that the social strains in today's France have deep roots.
The technology, launched in the US in 2007, is also available in the Netherlands, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, France, Spain and Italy.
In 1934, an international badminton association was founded with its headquarter in London. The members are Canada, Denmark, Britain, France, Ireland, Holland, New Zealand, Scotland and Wales.
Completed in France in 1884, the statue was disassembled, shipped to New York, and reassembled.
He also reveals his hope to form a new Tour DE France team with his friend Alberto Contador - who won the race last year.
The drink was supposedly invented at Harry's New York Bar in Paris, France, though it's somewhat disputed.
Many have questioned if the United States deserves a lower rating than other countries like France, Belgium and New Zealand.
Part of the answer came that evening from Deauville: France changed its mind and now supported a new treaty.
The Duke continued to demand the right to return to Britain from France, where they had settled, but the new King, his brother George vi, was advised that the Windsors must not come back.
Klinsmann is now focused on transforming the us team into a world power and hopes his new team can make progress against France on Friday.
Klinsmann is now focused on transforming the us team into a world power and hopes his new team can make progress against France on Friday.