Inflation targeting is the new gold standard, largely guiding even the conduct of the European Central Bank, which retains a "monetary pillar".
In addition to being the gold standard of Internet search engines, Google is setting a new example for business.
This battle is about to be re-enacted in the euro zone, where higher-cost countries have tied themselves to a new gold standard, in the form of the hyper-efficient German export machine.
The new information could even be useful in parts of the United States or Western Europe where surface monitors, still the gold standard for measuring air quality, are sparse.
The new American passport sets the gold standard. It has additional features built into it that make it especially hard to counterfeit.
At any rate, as we return to the gold standard, the new gold valuation can be whatever is necessary to allow the Fed's stock of gold to be allocated 100 percent to all its creditors.
To test the technique, researchers compared measurements of bone thickness at the femur, hip and spine using the gold standard approach of bone mass density, and their new technique.
However, bog-standard new items come with a mark-up of as much as 300 percent on the gold price.
Design of the project began prior to UBC implementing LEED Gold certification as the minimum standard for new and renewed construction.
这项U BC项目的设计实施的是LEED金级认证的和重建的最低标准。
The new Senior School, built to LEED Gold standard, provides a new entry point for the campus through a soaring glazed portal and circulation crossroads.
The new Senior School, built to LEED Gold standard, provides a new entry point for the campus through a soaring glazed portal and circulation crossroads.