The New Life Movement was launched by a preparation.
Then, the author discusses in detail the construction and management of railway for combat readiness, and studies the railway workers 'readiness to mobilize in the New Life Movement.
Each historical epoch is a world in itself, closed off and certain of its principles, until the dialectic movement of historical life creates a new, equally limited and deficient form.
In this book, which features a powerful new preface by Harold Bloom, Henry Corbin brings us to the very core of this movement with a penetrating analysis of Ibn 'Arabi's life and doctrines.
The predecessors had several opinions regarding the defeat of New Life Movement, but it was not comprehensive.
The New-Life Movement lasted for 15 years, covering all aspects of social life of the country.
The engraving artists in China have produced with great enthusiasm and powerful art massive immortal engraving works, bringing lasting life to this new engraving art movement in China.
NEW YORK - The DIY enthusiasts involved in today's "maker movement" love experimenting with 3d printers to turn digital designs into real-life objects made of plastic, metal, even chocolate.
He loses heart and quits the movement and goes to London trying to leave the U. K. and start a new life.
Although the Yi has gradually declined both as a way of life or a state of aesthetic standards from New Culture Movement and the May 4th Movement, it is still Chinese people forever pursuit.
There is a powerful movement within the people that can see the urgent need for a new approach to life, and is pressing for the introduction of changes that will allow it to happen.
There is a powerful movement within the people that can see the urgent need for a new approach to life, and is pressing for the introduction of changes that will allow it to happen.