To obey the law, Norwegian firms promoted many women who were less experienced than the directors they had before. These new hires appear to have done a poor job.
The new labor law is intended to help the poor, but on 17 January 2008 I published an article predicting this law would create a downward kink in the rising income curve for China’s poor.
Campaigners celebrated the new law as a step towards equality-an applicant with a low credit score is much more likely to be poor, black or young.
In the new environment, the poor baby to adapt to their environment is changed, the law of life has been disrupted, the sick baby is very high.
The new law allows the dismissal of teachers who are poorly evaluated and the closing of schools that are providing a poor quality of education.
The new law allows the dismissal of teachers who are poorly evaluated and the closing of schools that are providing a poor quality of education.