In a recent New Yorker cartoon, the host of a book-chat show is saying to an author, "I found your book 'Canoeing the Small Puddles of Maine' really stupid."
Once upon a time, before the New Yorker featured photos and illustrations, the cartoon was the magazines' visual star.
A cartoon from The New Yorker sums it up: Two monks are sitting side by side, meditating.
《纽约客》(The New Yorker)上的一个漫画对它作了概括:两个和尚并排坐着,在沉思。
The book also immediately became part of America's pop culture as the subject of a New Yorker cartoon that October.
WAY back in the early days of the web, in 1993, the New Yorker ran a cartoon featuring two dogs sitting in front of a computer.
As a New Yorker cartoon noted some years ago, "on the Internet, nobody knows that you're a dog."
The liberal New Yorker ran a cartoon showing Elennor going down into a coal mine.
The liberal New Yorker ran a cartoon showing Elennor going down into a coal mine.