In recent days three big health boards serving Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dundee have said that about 3, 700 jobs will go in the next two years.
Next day, in Whitehorse, I meet up with the rest of the group - three big guys from Manitoba, a couple of mums, some sensible teenagers.
Miami Heat fans won't have to wait until the NBA's owners and players settle their differences to get their next glimpse of the Big Three.
Last month MySpace made a deal allowing Google, an internet-search giant, to sell a big chunk of AD space on MySpace and on News Corp's other websites over the next three years.
In recent days three big health boards serving Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dundee have said that about 3,700 jobs will go in the next two years.
We met in the final of the next big intercollegiate tournament, and though I had an early lead, he won in three sets.
The soap opera was at a lower level in this week's episode, but that's because next weeks "big choice" is being set up House has to fire one of the three Young Gun doctors.
The three represent a generation of heirs to big Asian businesses. Their parents are expected to retire within the next decade.
We haven't had a big pause yet, so as the leadership changes, we could have a three month or so of setback and consolidation in markets before the next stage.
Jot down the three most important tasks you want to accomplish that day. Put a big star next to the most important.
As I recall, in a language at home is dictated word, I listened to three little words, thinking no big deal. be next morning, she discovered that I did not finish the work, I go to the podium.
The next big thing is what we call the new network. It's fundamentally designed to solve the main problem of the industry, and has three elements.
Detroit's Big Three automakers said that they will export thousands of vehicles to China over the next two years.
Detroit's Big Three automakers said that they will export thousands of vehicles to China over the next two years.