I was in the night sky stars, the object of much attention, but sometimes Baiyun will be impeded by the lack of play space.
Even today, says the legend, the girls can be seen above the towering rock, as seven shining stars in the night sky.
The night sky is spotted with stars.
One night, when I was little, I saw a thousand stars falling out of the sky.
After a full day of fun activities, visitors can take a rest, listen to the night sounds, and watch the stars in the huge sky.
Every time he sees beautiful stars and the moon in the sky at night, he gets very excited.
The sky was dark, stars were twinkling high above, night was reigning, and everything was sunk in silken silence.
The stars that the human eye can distinguish in the night sky are relatively near and are all part of the Milky Way.
The stars were set upon a blue field, in the words of the Congress’s resolution, “representing a new constellation” in the night sky.
On many a dark night the vision of that round slip of sky with stars has comforted me.
Very long exposures on a tripod at night can capture very dim scenes, and even stars in the night sky fainter than you can see.
Then one frosty evening when the stars were sparkling in the night sky and snowflakes were dancing past the windows, a little boy and his daddy came into the store.
The stars light the night sky.
Many bright stars visible in Earth's night sky are depicted on leaves surrounding the marked location of the Sun.
Gaze into the night sky and think of the stars as holes in the darkness letting heaven shine through.
Lo: One night, when I was little, I saw a thousand stars fall out of the sky.
The night sky with myriads of stars has always enticed people to find the answer to one of the oldest questions ever: are we the only living beings in this Universe?
Look up to the heavens and imagine the stars and planets are sparkling jewels dancing across the night sky.
Lie on a remote beach under the night sky, look at the curvature of the earth and gaze with wonder at the stars. Spend time appreciating and understanding just how small you really are.
With the lights of the city extinguished, stars shone brightly in the night sky.
At opposition in late January, Mars shone very brightly in planet Earth's night sky, among the stars of the constellation Cancer the Crab.
'I've always been fascinated by the stars and night sky so I don't mind taking my camera up a mountain in the evening.
At that night, I dreamed of innumerous stars shining in the sky, yet only two of them were companions. They had deep emotions to each other and were willing to spend their lives together for ever.
To identify the stars in a night sky Tusi certainly pondered, just slide your cursor over the image.
Stars were billiant in the clear night sky.
EarthSky often gets asked about what gear you need to see stars and planets in the night sky.
Our hope is that people living close to them will like to walk through the field -- especially at night -- under their own, private sky of swarming stars,” said Núñez-Ameni.
我们希望住在附近的人们会喜欢走过田野--特别是在夜里--像是走在他们自己的一片星空下一样。” Núñez-Ameni说道。
At night we can see (numerous) stars in the sky.
With a surface temperature of 66, 000 degrees Fahrenheit (six times hotter than our Sun), Menkhib is one of the hottest stars visible in the night sky.
With a surface temperature of 66, 000 degrees Fahrenheit (six times hotter than our Sun), Menkhib is one of the hottest stars visible in the night sky.