The Ninth Symphony of Beethoven is a famous one.
OK. The very beginning is called the Ninth Symphony.
I especially love the first three movements of the Ninth Symphony.
In the Ninth Symphony again and you're saying, "Oh, I'm getting really worried now."
The man who created it felt the same urge as Beethoven, he experienced the same joy that Beethoven felt when he created the Ninth Symphony.
Whereas the — if I take the rhythm out of the Ninth Symphony really Beethoven there is just going up and down a scale so it's very conjunct.
Can anybody tell me why to a person in this room we all responded positively to the Ninth Symphony and somewhat more anxiously to the Fifth Symphony?
Can anybody tell me why to a person in this room we all responded positively to the Ninth Symphony and somewhat more anxiously to the Fifth Symphony?
The last five great piano sonatas, the Ninth Symphony and the later string quartets represent the climax of Beethoven's genius during this troubled later period.
Beethoven President created the greatest composition the Ninth Symphony even though he could hear nothing. Doing your job with the spirit, you can feel, hear and smell the world.
Through understanding of the theme such as peace, justice and humanity in The Ninth Symphony of Beethoven, it can be learned how to pursue the complete love and sincerity in society.
The Lithuanian Philharmonic Orchestra played Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
The last image is inspired by Friedrich Schiller's “Ode to Joy”, which is also the basis for the last movement of Beethoven's ninth symphony.
Indeed, does anybody know the title of the Beethoven Ninth symphony?
Gustav Mahler provided the musical accompaniment for Klimt's visual representation of Beethoven's ninth symphony.
The most popular were Barber's Adagio for Strings, the second movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Debussy's Claire DE Lune.
Music-lovers head to Heiligenstadt to visit the Beethovenhaus wine-garden, where the composer lived and began work on his Ninth Symphony.
The Lithuanian Philharmonic Orchestra played Beethoven's Ninth Symphony .
The first night, through the open window, I heard all of Schubert's Ninth Symphony.
The last image is inspired by Friedrich Schiller's "Ode to Joy", which is also the basis for the last movement of Beethoven's ninth symphony.
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony pales next to the emotion in that hall that night.
那一夜,那音乐厅,bose headphones,就连贝多芬的《第九交响曲》也会略显苍白。
1824 - World premiere of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony in Vienna, Austria. Work was conducted by Michael Umlauf, under the deaf composer's supervision.
Indeed, does anybody know the title of the Beethoven Ninth Symphony?
The great Ninth Symphony with its choral finale created a controversy that, after more than a century, has not yet abated.
伟大的第九号交响 曲以合唱为终 曲所产生的议题,经过了一个多世纪,争论还是持续著。
The great Ninth Symphony with its choral finale created a controversy that, after more than a century, has not yet abated.
伟大的第九号交响 曲以合唱为终 曲所产生的议题,经过了一个多世纪,争论还是持续著。