The first case was detected as early as January. In the following weeks, the number of cases reached over 10,000 by the time of the lockdown.
The Italian government decided to put the whole country on lockdown after the number of cases (病例) in the country started increasing quickly, and people were suggested not leaving their home.
Key measures to reduce the number of cases of diarrhoea include.
In India the number of cases went down from 741 in 2009 to just 41 in 2010.
Experts fear that the number of cases will rise in the immediate future.
Just three years later the number of cases had jumped to around one million.
The number of cases in Arizona and California almost quadrupled in the decade to 2006.
In addition, these mobile services may reduce the number of cases "lost to follow-up".
After continued control efforts, the number of cases reported in 2009 has dropped below.
The number of cases began increasing in February and then, more dramatically, in March.
In the US, for example, the number of cases of rubella has fallen to the lowest level ever.
As a result, the number of cases treated under DOTS worldwide rose 8% in 2003 compared to the previous year.
There are no global data on the number of cases, including fatal ones, of resistant bacterial infections.
Overall, since the Global Polio Eradication Initiative was launched, the number of cases has fallen by over 99%.
The number of cases officially reported to WHO from 20 countries stands at 1025 confirmed cases, including 26 deaths.
We know that the eradication effort has been of enormous benefit in shrinking the number of cases of paralytic polio.
Finally, the acute rise in the number of cases observed since 1998 is suggested to reflect increased detection rates.
The World Health Organization says the number of cases of HIV/AIDS among older people is higher than generally thought.
Since 2005 the police have taken the problem seriously enough to compile data. The number of cases peaked in 2009, at 401.
The number of cases has risen rapidly in Kobe and Osaka since the first confirmed domestic infection was reported on Saturday.
As of the beginning of 2005, the number of cases of leprosy worldwide was 286 000, a drop of 38% from the beginning of 2004.
截至2005年初,全世界麻风病例数为286 000例,比2004年初降低了38%。
The most practical way is to minimize the number of cases during the design phase so that fewer cases need to be benchmarked later.
Since then, the number of cases has been increasing slowly, as a result of increased trust and willingness to report the problem.
The campaigns of the late-1950s were wildly successful, and by 1961 the number of cases in the United States was down to just 161.
The criteria for assessing a court's work are the number of cases it processes and the number of successful appeals against its decisions.
The threshold for arrests and convictions is lowered and the number of cases where people are sentenced collectively generally goes up.
Due to a public holiday on 2 June, updated information on the number of cases of HUS and EHEC reported in Germany will be published on 3 June.
In fact, it is the number of cases he has heard since his last break, not the number of hours he has been sitting, which best matches the data.
In fact, it is the number of cases he has heard since his last break, not the number of hours he has been sitting, which best matches the data.