I retired and studied the Odes.
Now I can begin to talk about the odes with him.
现在开始可以同你谈论《 诗经》了。
The odes are generally regarded as Keat's most important and mature works.
The odes are generally regarded as Keats's most important and mature works.
Keats' reputation as a poet rests largely on the Odes and the later sonnets.
Keats' reputation as a poet rests largely upon the Odes and the later sonnets.
The odes, with the extravagant characteristic of "including all in the universe", well reflect the writers profound knowledge.
But then, amid the turmoil, Nur finds solace writing poetry: odes to his homeland and his lost love.
There are odes to human reason and learning and endeavor in the wisdom book of Proverbs.
Still, in both cases, God spent enough time in benevolent mode to leave the Scriptures littered with odes to tolerance and understanding, verses that modern believers can focus on, should they choose.
This subject has been on my mind so much that when Taina from plastic Manners made a request for odes to plastic last week, I responded with a poem about Lily and the river - and won something.
This scene can be found in the Books of Odes (the earliest collection of poems in ancient China).
The form in the Book of Odes exists relying on the way of cognition of ancient poets and it develops with the evolution of the way of cognition.
These new methods and the unique organizational scheme allow a significant increase in the number of ODEs amenable to group-theory solution.
Landscape dendrology is one important basic course in landscape architecture specialty, and citing odes to flowers is one of the teaching AIDS for the course.
From the literary point of view, the nationality awareness in the ancient Orient literature is best realized as odes and chronological literature.
The standard singular point is an important structure of the differential-algebraic equation systems(DAEs), by which DAEs are differentiated from the ordinary different equation systems (ODEs).
With these numerous authentic as well as fake interpretations, the original text of the Book of Odes is disguised by the inevitable misinterpretations.
Theoretically, the entire information for the shock can be obtained by sorting to the numerical solutions to the set of ODEs easily.
The diversified folk festivals in Northern and Southern Song Dynasties brought about the prosperity of festival Odes, among which the Double-Ninth Ci is the most significant one.
Nanchu prosaic odes works mainly for the purpose of the chu king entertainment, following by satire and chronicle styles.
Moreover the good chart function of EXCEL makes it very convenient to figure out the graphic results of ODEs.
Written by an engineer and sharply focused on practical matters, this text explores the application of Lie groups to solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
"The Book of Odes" has the high aesthetic value of sad sorrowfulness.
There appears to be a variety of names of horses, colorful descriptive expressions of horses and horse-accessories in the Book of Odes.
There appears to be a variety of names of horses, colorful descriptive expressions of horses and horse-accessories in the Book of Odes.